Dear, Big Sister - August 21st, 2023

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Dear, Big Sister
By Reggie

Dear, Big Sister
To my role model growing up
To Skyler,

Why did you abandon me?
Why did you betray me?
Why did you tell Michelle everything I told you, trusting that you wouldn't tell that monster?
Why Skyler?

Dear, big sister
I thought we were close.
I believed that you understood
Was the big sister I held so dear, a mask?
I thought we had matching wounds but mine are still black and blue and you are perfectly fine or so it seems

Dear, big sister
Would you accept Regulus?
Would you accept that your baby sister is now your baby brother?
Or would you look for someone who never existed in the first place?

Dear, Big Sister
Was our relationship a lie?
Did you ever even love me?
Are you actually like those monsters who raised us?

Dear, Big Sister
It seems like I gave my trust to you and you broke it over and over again
And you've lost your baby brother forever

Sincerely yours,

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