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"He's on your left! I repeat, the target is on your left, Sunghoon hyung!" The voice came very loud and clear from the earpiece the ice prince was wearing

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"He's on your left! I repeat, the target is on your left, Sunghoon hyung!" The voice came very loud and clear from the earpiece the ice prince was wearing.

"Roger that, Riki" Park Sunghoon replied, aiming for the target. He squeezed one eye shut, peering at the aim before firing.

A scream was heard, then silence. "The mission is completed" Sunghoon said through his earpiece.

"Copy that. Sunoo hyung is in the getaway vehicle, I'll tell him you're ready. Tell me, what is your 20?" Nishimura Riki asked, looking at the security cameras from back at their hideout.

Sunghoon was about to reply when suddenly, he jumped as a car beeped at him and in the front seat was none other than Kim Sunoo. His least favourite member. Sunghoon just coldly glared at him before scoffing as he opened the car door.

"Sunghoon hyung- do you copy? Did Sunoo hyung find you?" Riki's voice hit his ears again. Sunghoon got into the car, "Affirmative- we'll meet you back at home." He replied.

Riki cheered, their mission was successful. "Did they complete it?" The boss, Yang Jungwon asked. Riki nodded, "They managed to complete it, hyung. It's time for you and Jay hyung to do the next part" He explained.

Jungwon smirked slowly, titling his head towards Park Jay to signal to start their part.

Jay nodded, he got up and rushed to the weapon room which they even disguised as his bedroom. He swiftly grabbed a grenade from under his bed and threw it at Jungwon who caught it with precision.

Jungwon then threw it out of the window just as Sunoo and Sunghoon were approaching. Sunghoon missed it but Sunoo managed to catch it after it flew past the older.

They then turned the car around, the sound of the tires screeching on the cemented ground. The tires left long marks, sparks were almost visible.

"Ready... THROW!" Riki exclaimed.

The grenade was thrown once again, this time it exploded and removed all evidence of their presence there. They hadn't been caught yet.

They had been professionally doing this since 30th of November 2020.

Riki quickly peered at the security camera, only to see something that wasn't good.

"Jungwon hyung, there's someone there, hiding behind a building. The explosion was too small to get to them. They've seen everything so need someone to get rid of them from behind- we can use SunSun hyungs as a distraction" Riki expertly suggested.

Jungwon nodded, he tapped a small button on his earpiece, "Heeseung hyung, do you copy?" He said into the piece.

"Loud and clear- anything wrong?" Lee Heeseung asked. Him and Jake were chilling, not needed for this mission until now.

"We need you and Jake hyung to get rid of someone" He immediately explained.

"Roger that. We are on our way. What is their 20?" Sim Jake asked.

"I'll send it by using the tracker on Sunghoon hyung" Jungwon replied, beckoning for Riki to check the location.

Riki immediately did so and precisely sent it to Jake who confirmed this.

"Sunghoon hyung, Sunoo hyung, we need you to distract the ominous person. Maybe fake a fight?" Riki thoughtfully suggested, "Not physical! Vocal" he quickly added.

"Copy. Over." Sunoo replied, glaring back at Sunghoon.

"But you both must be alert - if the person sees Jake hyung and Heeseung hyung they are most likely to run forward in your direction so you must catch them- otherwise it's most likely game over"

"Copy that. Over and out." Sunghoon replied. "Hear that? We need to stay alert! Unlike you who couldn't even catch a grenade" Sunoo sneered.

Sunghoon rolled his eyes and got out of the car to fake the fight, Sunoo doing the same.

"You know you don't have to look so tough in-front of Riki, he already knows you're not" Sunghoon stated, getting somewhat off topic.

"Me?! You're the one who's being so weird! It's so obvious he likes me" Sunoo indignantly replied- crossing his arms.

"Mhm. Keep lying to yourself" The older simply replied.


Jake and Heeseung sneaked behind the newfound target. The oldest nudged Jake, beckoning him to load the gun.

But just as he was doing so, the target turned and saw them before making a bolt for it.

"FUCK!" Heeseung exclaimed. "Don't worry- Sunoo and Sunghoon can catch him" Jake tried to console his "friend"


"Yeah but Riki obviously hates the way you-" Just then, the target sprinted past them. Sunoo cursed and tried to catch him but it was too late.

They had been too distracted to stay on alert like Riki had told them.

"SERIOUSLY?! That person knows everything now!" Jake ran up to them and yelled in frustration.

Sunghoon looked away guiltily whereas Sunoo quickly apologised which HeeJake rolled their eyes at.

They exchanged annoyed glances but they both had one thing in mind.

Jungwon was going to be fuming.


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