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"You do know that Sunghoon is going to kill you?" Jake stated as Sunoo put his shoes on

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"You do know that Sunghoon is going to kill you?" Jake stated as Sunoo put his shoes on. "Well, who gives a shit? I'm the one that gets to hang out with Riki, not him" Sunoo replied, tying his laces.

"You're so reckless, Sunoo-yah. You better bring Riki back before the mission starts otherwise Jungwonnie will kill you and Sunghoon both!" Heeseung warned, putting an arm around Jake who nodded in agreement.

Sunoo rolled his eyes, "Whatever. Speak for yourself, Jake hyung could barely walk last mission after the date night you two had" He reminded.

The older two went bright red, both shifting gazes. Jake cleared his throat, "There was no need to bring that up. Besides, we actually got permission from Jungwon"

"Permission? What did you say? Hey Jungwon, can we come a bit later to the mission because we need to go fuc-" "SUNOO!" Heeseung interrupted, turning as red as a tomato.

"What? I'm not wrong" Sunoo laughed, pleased with the chaos he had caused.

As Heeseung and Jake both blushed and tried to argue back, Sunoo slyly slipped out of the front door, making his way to the restaurant.


Meanwhile, on the other hand, Sunghoon, the genius (or so he thinks) was up to his own stupid plan.

"You're doing what?" Jay exclaimed. "I'm going to completely ruin their date" Sunghoon shrugged and replied stoically.

Jungwon blinked, "Hyung, no offence but you are the biggest idiot I know" He said, face-palming.

"You're wrong, I can't be the biggest idiot, Jay exists too, you know?" Sunghoon stated back. Jay swatted his arm, "YAH! What did I do?!"

"More like what didn't you do? Anyways, are you going to let me go or not?" Sunghoon said, trying to get past the two boys.

"If I let you go then you better be back before the mission or I'll send Jay hyung after you" Jungwon stated, crossing his arms.

Sunghoon rolled his eyes, crossing his fingers behind his back, "Okay, fine, Leadernim. I will be back on time." He reluctantly confirmed, before darting for the door.

As he stepped foot outside, he uncrossed his fingers, "That's not a promise by the way" He said, as if they could hear him.


"So what do you gentlemen want to order?" The waiter asked Riki who looked at the menu.

"Hmm... bibimbap and beongeopang please" Ni-ki said thoughtfully, "What about you, Sunoo hyung?"

"I'll have teokbokki please." Sunoo replied, his favourite dish was teokbokki so it was obvious he would get it.

As Sunoo and Ni-ki enjoyed their meal at the cozy Korean restaurant, little did they know that Sunghoon, fueled by jealousy, was determined to sabotage their date.

Disguised in plain sight as a regular customer, Sunghoon observed their interactions carefully, planning his mischievous moves. He had a menu in front of his face so it was hard to see him.

Unbeknownst to Ni-ki and Sunoo, Sunghoon secretly requested the spiciest level of teokbokki for Sunoo's dish, knowing that Sunoo had always struggled with handling excessive spice.

The waiter returned, placing the fiery dish in front of Sunoo, unaware of Sunghoon's manipulation.

Sunoo's eyes widened as he took his first bite, feeling the heat burn his tongue. Ni-ki burst into laughter, finding Sunoo's exaggerated reactions amusing. And Sunghoon, from a nearby table, evilly smirked in satisfaction, seeing his plan in motion.

But he wasn't done there. Sunghoon very discreetly flagged down the waiter and requested a special dessert to be served to Ni-ki.

However, instead of something delicious, he had it replaced with a plate of exotic and unusual fruits that Ni-ki had never encountered before.

As the waiter presented the peculiar platter to Ni-ki, confusion washed over his face.

Sunghoon suppressed a laugh, observing Ni-ki's playful nature as he tried each fruit, making exaggerated expressions and inventing amusing names for them.

Sunoo watched, growing increasingly frustrated, due to his growing suspicion that something was amiss.

Sunghoon noticed a bouquet of flowers left unattended on a nearby table.

Seizing the opportunity, he sneaked over and discreetly swapped the flowers with a bouquet of spiky cacti.

He knew that Sunoo had planned to give Ni-ki flowers later in the evening.

When Sunoo excitedly presented the prickly flowers to Ni-ki, the normally calm and collected maknae burst into laughter once again.

Sunoo's disappointment grew, but to Ni-ki's surprise, Sunoo's frustration only made their date more entertaining.

Sunghoon subtly paid another customer to interrupt their conversation and spill a glass of water on Sunoo's lap.

Sunghoon anticipated the ensuing chaos and hoped it would push Sunoo over the edge, ruining the date entirely.

The unexpected deluge soaked Sunoo's pants, leaving him speechless for a moment. Ni-ki stifled his laughter, finding Sunoo's damp and exasperated expression highly amusing.

Finally, as the evening drew to a close, Sunghoon planted a fake spider on Sunoo's chair. He knew Sunoo had an irrational fear of spiders and was hoping for one last prank to drive him mad.

As Sunoo prepared to bid Ni-ki goodbye, he sat back down in his chair, feeling something unexpected crawling on him.

Panic washed over Sunoo's face as he quickly jumped up, causing a commotion in the restaurant. However, to Sunghoon's dismay, instead of screaming in fear, Ni-ki erupted into laughter once more.

Sunoo groaned, realising that their date had gone very wrong. He glanced around the restaurant to see who could've done this, and then he caught eyes with a laughing Sunghoon who had failed to hide in time.

Sunoo glared at him, realising everything that happened. He clenched his fists, "Oh the game is on, Sunghoon." He spat under his breath.

Riki glanced between the two, biting his lip to stop himself from bursting into laughter.

He knew that the battle was over but this was where the war began.


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