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"And this is why you don't mess with Sunoo, idiot

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"And this is why you don't mess with Sunoo, idiot." Jake scolded as he gingerly dabbed at the blood on Sunghoon's face with a tissue.

"It's not my fault! He - he came at me first...!" The other whined, glaring. Jake rolled his dark eyes and slapped the boy's face, making him flinch and push his hand away.

"Yah! What was that for? I already got a beating by Sunoo, now you too?" Sunghoon sulkily complained, rubbing his red cheek.

"You're gonna get one by Jungwon too, you literally got our mission late. Don't make us look bad in front of TxT sunbaenim, otherwise you're gonna meet the skies, and I'm not talking about flying." Jake stated, getting up from Sunghoon's bed, "I'm gonna go hang out with Heeseungie hyung."

Sunghoon smirked, "Hang out? More like fuck each other senseless" He teased. The older went bright crimson, "T-The hell!? That was o-once, Hoon!" He blabbered in a flustered voice.

"Still. Don't get too carried away, otherwise you will need to get some prosthetic legs, hmm, and maybe a wheelchair."

"Oh just fuck off" Jake proclaimed, picking up a fluffy pillow and chucking it at the laughing boy's face before storming out of the room.


"Got your guns, guys?" Jungwon asked, standing in front of the door. "Check" Jay nodded.

"Let's do a quick recap. Team one is me and Jay hyung. Me and Jay hyung are going to start attacking from the ground near the park. Affirmative?" A chorus of 'yes, boss' were heard.

"Team two, Heeseung hyung and Jake hyung will prepare for a escape route and will take down the people behind us." HeeJake nodded, both blushing slightly (for an unknown reason.)

"Team 3, Sunghoon hyung, Sunoo hyung, and Riki will be on lookout at the rooftop." He summarised, and everyone nodded in agreement.

"We need to be impressive in order to get TxT to work with us. We can't afford any distractions, nor anyone being distracted." Jungwon added, directly looking at Sunghoon and Sunoo.

That side eye said a lot.

"Team 3, remember that high ground doesn't mean high safety. There are most likely, if not definitely, going to be opponents on the rooftop as well, so keep your eyes peeled and... uh... regulate your emotions."

Riki nodded, "Will do, Wonnie hyung, we will be alert. Right, guys?" He said, nudging Sunghoon and Sunoo, who were standing either side of him. The two boys stayed silent for a split second before they sighed simultaneously and nodded,

"Confirmed." "Affirmative."

With that, they left the house and went to the cars they had parked at the back of the building. One car for each team.

"Who wants to drive?" Ni-ki asked, very hesitantly looking at Sunghoon and Sunoo. Secretly, he wished he had a driving license, he just didn't want to sit in tension the whole drive.

"Not me, I'll sit with you in the back" Sunghoon quickly replied, making Sunoo discreetly kick his ankle.

Riki nodded, "Okay then." He agreed. The agreed-driver, also known as Sunoo, reluctantly got into the front of the vehicle while Sunghoon and Riki made their way to the back.

"Keep your eyes open guys," Sunghoon said, looking out of the window, "It's dark, but that makes it easier for people to suspect we are up to something." He added.

Sunoo rolled his eyes, "Of course, smartass, I think we should just sit normally than just stare out the windows like gawking hawks. Otherwise we seem more suspicious, idiot."

"But we need to keep our eyes on where potential threats could be." Sunghoon said coldly, tapping the window with his fingers.

Sunoo scoffed, "What do you think, Riki?" He asked, as they drove past. The annoyed youngest sighed, "I think both of you are correct - we should be alert but not completely stare out the window, but also not simply sit in here normally."

"See, I told you" Sunghoon stated playfully. Sunoo glared at him through the mirror. "Fuck off. He said he agrees with both of us, knucklehead."

The oldest scoffed, offended. "I'm the knucklehead?! You're the knucklehead!" He gasped in annoyance.

Riki coughed loudly, "Sunoo hyung, you're about to drive past the place we were meant to be." The car suddenly jerked to a halt before reversing. "That was Sunghoon's fault, by the way." Sunoo added hastily.

They got out of the car and went to the back of the building. Riki looked around, "There should be a ladder to the rooftop somewhere around here..." He mumbled.

He suddenly saw it in the corner of his eye, he then quickly made his way up the ladder, the older two following behind.

When they got onto the rooftop, it was as if they had travelled to another universe. The beautiful view was immaculate.

The rooftop overlooked the dirty, the lights from windows brightening up the dark night sky.

Riki walked to the edge of the rooftop, looking down at the other guys in the group, he was making sure everything was going smoothly.

Sunghoon walked next to him, leaning on the edge. He stared at the moonlight shining at Riki's face, effectively making his eyes look sparkly.

"So, Riki, are you free tomorrow? I didn't get a chance to hang out with you yet" He asked, smiling sweetly.

Riki smiled back, and opened his mouth to answer, but Sunoo jumped in, "Nope! He's hanging out with me again, since your stupid ass ruined our last date" He insisted, grabbing Riki's right arm.

Sunghoon glared at him, "that's just not fair, you've had your turn" He complained. "But you ruined it all!" Sunoo pointed out. "That still counts as hanging out though!" The older threw back.

"Guys-" Riki tried.

"Like I said! I'm taking him on the date, not you!" Sunoo continued. Sunghoon's eyes narrowed, "You little narcissistic piece of-"

They both moved closer, so that they were at eye contact. "He's mine." Sunoo interrupted. "Fucking bastar-"

"MOVE!" Riki's voice blasted through the tense air. Suddenly, Sunghoon and Sunoo were both pushed.

"Riki-" Sunghoon started.


A shot.

"Fuck! Riki?"

Sunoo touched Riki's arm, only to find blood on his hand. "Blood..." He muttered.

Sunghoon looked up and saw a group of masked gunmen. Jungwon had warned them of this.

"FUCK!" Sunghoon yelled, grabbing his gun and aiming at the opponents.

Sunoo did the same, his hands trembling as he pulled the trigger over and over again.

After the rivals were down, Sunghoon immediately rushed to Riki. Whereas Sunoo just stood frozen, his dark eyes now wide.

The one person they both cared about (the only thing they agreed on) was hurt, because of their own actions.


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