Three years ago..

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I met him Three years ago...

It was a very fine morning and an extremely busy day.
Today it was Maha's baat pakki its a sort of an engagement!

Maha was soon getting married to sherry bhai. Sherry bhai was dad's best friend's son. Sherry bhai has a brother Zain.
Not to forget Zain was extremely hot.

The wedding was just in a month!!! Ppfffttt.. Mom and Dad did not give me enough time to shop.

Well i have a month, I'll manage. But what to wear today. I mean i am the only sister of the bride. I had to look pretty!!

I have no idea about the guests invited. I have no idea about sherry bhai's family or his guests.

Just then i went to my mother and asked

"Am i important in this family?"

She laughs and says,

"Yes isha babo u are! , did anyone say anything to you? Any problem?"

"First of all stop calling me babo, i mean i am okay with isha but what the hell is babo?! Second of all no one bothered to tell me that Maha's baat pakki or engagement is today, so i should probably buy a dress! And not to forget i don't know anything about the guests or the food and or any plans for today! For gods sake i am Maha's only sister!"
I folded my arms around my chest angrily.

"Come on Alisha stop acting so childish!.
Everything happend so fast that we didn't plan anything! Just invited the very few people from the groom's family and our very immediate family". She replied in a easy tone.

trust me when we say immediate family it means not less than 200 people.

"But thats still not fair!

"Not at all". Maha said coming closer to me in the kitchen. she holds my hand looks into my eyes and says,

" i know this all seems unfair to you because you love me way too much. And this is not how you planned my wedding days. But its not necessary all the time that everything you planned will happen."

"Yeah, i am sorry! I had greater plans."

"Awww don't be upset the next 29 days till my wedding day you will be planning everything. And we will let you know everything". She said kissing my cheek.



Walking Maha to her room i asked,
"So what are you wearing today? And Whats upp with sherry bhai ?? Do you talk to him all the time?"

"Shhhh lets continue the chat in my room" she replied blushing.

In our culture we have more arranged marriages and we don't hang out as couples before marriage. Some people in our culture don't even see the person they're going to marry before marriage.
But thank god we are not like them!!
This marriage and romance and talking to your fiancee is not something to talk about in public.

We came up the stairs and entered her room which was opposite to mine. And there was this beautiful golden dress hanging in the closet. With greean ghagra and my mums beautiful family necklace.

(There is a picture of Maha and Me from Maha's engagement in the beginning of the chapter take a look!!).

"Omg god Maha, this dress is gorgeous!!"

"I can't wait to wear it" maha said excitedly.

"Yess time to dress up!!"
And i helped her get dressed.

While she was getting ready we were having our conversation.

"Soooo tell me about sherry bhai!! This was an arranged marriage and i wanna know if it has turned into a love marriage yet or not??"

I don't know how to answer that!" Maha said blushing.

"Come onn tell me, have you guys ever kissed?" I said giggling. Although i knew a kiss before marriage for Maha was out of the question.

Maha said, "hahaha noo, not the kiss but yes we talk every night and he is very sweet."

"Awwww did he ever proposed you?"

Maha blushing like hell, "yesss.... eeeeekk i can't believe its happening to me. Remember we both went for dinner alone?"

"Yess yess, what happend at the dinner?" I asked impatiently.

"He ordered some food and in the candle light he pulled a ring out of his pocket and said, Ms incredibly beautiful Maha, will you please marry me? I love you very very much and would like to spend the rest of my life with you!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhh ohhh myy godd" i screamed. "Then what did u say?. I asked very impatiently.

"I looked at everyone in the restaurant. I looked into his eyes and nodded as yes!. Then he took my hand and slipped the ring into my finger .... andd.......... "

"Anndd... whatt??"

"He came closer to me and kissed my hand" maha said as red as a tomato.

"Awwwww you guys make a perfect couple M.A , i wish you both all the happiness in the world."

I kissed Maha's forehead and rushed to my room to get dressed. It was almost time!!

It took thirty minutes until i was completely ready.

I was almost ready checking myself out in the mirror and suddenly decided to dance in my sister's engagement. I had prepared a dance once for a wedding i could do that song.

Yeah that was a good idea. This way i can turn this boring event to an entertaining one!
I am the most loved family member in my family being the youngest everyone takes immense care of me and never stops me for anything. I never took advantage of that, obviously but,
I was quite a simple, calm, pretty and a very intelligent girl. heheh . I Always listened to everyone. I was Loved by the whole family. And when i say the whole family i mean yess a very big family. So everyone will love my dance!

Huhu I am all set for today...

I did not knew today my life is going to change!!.

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