chapter 12.

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Here's the newest chapter.
In this chapter, You'll get a different point of view in the middle.

(There is a look of isha-fahad-sameer-reesha-Zain for today. Go take a look)

Sometimes, there is a point in life. When your life gets a bit vague.
You actually strive hard to take hold of everything. You want everything. You do not want to let go of anything or anyone.

I right now stand in a position. That one wrong step, may cause a loss of a loved one.

I can not think of losing fahad now. Lets face it. He is special. And at any point or any circumstances i simply can't let go my best friends.

Reesha stood right infront of me. With tears in her eyes. Sameer did not face me. And went inside. Fahad is right in front of my eyes. Looking at me.
I can see in his eyes, how much he wants to delete this part from our lives.

The man who could not even bare someone looking at me like him. How can he just ignore the fact that sameer is in love with me.

I was afraid. I could feel the storm. The storm which everyone holds back.

I just closed my eyes. And hugged my best friend. No matter what, i can't blame reesha for anything.

"Don't worry reesh. We'll fix this together. I swear I'll get you your man." I said holding her tight.

"Isha, do you remember, how i used to sacrifice my things for you both?"

"I remember everything."

"Isha i don't want to sacrifice this time." Reesha said, bursting in tears.

"No reesh, you would not sacrifice this time. i swear I'll stick to my word. Even if i have to die for it."

She slapped me on my face.

"Stupid. You don't have to die just help me out."

Fahad came closer to reesha. Took her by the hand. And said,

"No matter what, I'll bring that smile back on. I'll help you get sameer back."

"Obviously you will. Your girl is at stake. You won't let babo go. Because you love her." Reesha spilled it out like a little girl. And finally having that teasing expression.

Fahad quickly turned his eyes to see me. I was already looking at him. I wanted to see his reaction. Fahad just blushed. And turned his eyes having a cute little smile on his face.

But did not say anything.

And we then decided to get inside.

I was sitting in the lounge. When reesha and sameer came to me and sat beside me. Reesha wasn't talking to sameer.

"Reesha listen, you don't have to feel bad about anything. The fact can not be changed." Sameer said to reesha.

"Sameer, get lost before i create a scene. What do i get for loving you for the past so many years? Excuses."

"Woah woah guys! Listen, lets just get you both inside my room and fix this problem." I said interrupting both of them.

Just then Fahad came inside the room. He seemed busy. But i knew, why he was here. He was actually here to keep an eye on sameer.

"Yes, come on lets go." Sameer grabbed reesha's hand and was dragging her towards the room.

"No sameer! I don't want to go anywhere." Reesha literally screamed.

We all got shocked on her reaction.

"listen," i tried to calm her down.

"listen to what? My best friend whom i love, is in love with my other best friend!" She again said in a loud voice.

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