Chapter 15

291 15 9

Hello readers,

Sorry for updating it late.
Enjoy reading.


"we're back!, now-"

I was interrupted by Zain.

"Wait a minute guys. This is Sarah. My cousin. She'll be joining us in the dance."

"Hi Sarah!" Everyone greeted.

"Hello." she said smiling through the rows and stood beside me.

"Alisha, i see there are partners in this song, may i know the partners?" Sarah asked me.

"Of course. Its,
Me n Fahad.
Silah n haroon.
Misha n rehan
Ali n asna.
Zain n Hiba (just as i said Zain and hiba. Zain groaned.)

"That means you guys are equal in the ratio, which means I'll have to wait until the next practice."

Finally. Yes. Thank God she realized that.

I was in a moment of joy when Fahad said,
"No we'll arrange a partner for you."

"Fahad will you be my partner in this song?"

"NO!" we both immediately refused, in unison.

Everyone stared us for a second.

And then we both looked at each other laughing and blushing.

"I mean- umm- you see Sar-"
I was trying to cover for that huge *NO*

Fahad completed my sentence by saying,
"Sarah, actually we both are really comfortable with each other. And we both make a good couple. We'll get you someone else."

He too wanted to dance with me only. Awwwwww.

"No, it's okay. I mean I'll join you in the next practice guys. Don't worry i am already tired. I need rest. Alisha can you please show me the room?"

"Ohh sure wait."

I called out mom from upstairs.

"Mommmm, where do i have to accommodate Sarah?"

She replied from downstairs.

"In your room baaboo!"

Shit! No. Thats not fair.

I still managed to keep a fake smile on my face.

"Ok. Are you okay, with sharing my bedroom with me??" I asked Sarah.

"Yeah, no problem at all. I hope your okay with it?"


"Great! Lets get you accomodated!" Zain said. Picking her bags for her.

Fahad also helped.

I showed her my room. And told her to make herself comfortable. And come to me if she needs anything at all.

Fahad and Zain placed her bags in my cupboard.

Then she went to take a bath.

The three of us came back to the lounge.

Fahad left to make an important phone call.

While Zain came to me.

"Isha, i had to talk to you."

"Ok. About what?"

"About Hiba!, you see hiba is not good at dancing."


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