Chapter Eight: Autumn Semi-Formal

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Luka walked up to Hôtel de Rouen nervously. He didn't know if everything he had wanted for weeks was going to happen or not. If it didn't, Luka would still be there for Sophie, no matter what she chose. But if she chose not to be with him, it would hurt Luka deeply.

He walked up to the gate and pushed the button on the side. The Hôtel's Majordome's voice came through. "Yes, who's there?"

"Uh, it's Luka Couffaine. I'm here to pick up Sophie for the Autumn Semi-Formal."

"Yes, Miss Sophie is ready. Please, come in." The gate opened wide, and Luka walked through and up the stairs to the double doors. He knocked lightly twice. After a moment, the Allard's Majordome, Jacquet, open it. "Welcome, Mr. Luka. Miss Sophie should be down in a moment. Would you like a beverage while you wait?"

"No, thank you, Jacquet. I'll be alright." Luka tapped his foot as he waited with the Majordome at his side.

Then, he heard Sophie's sweet voice. "I'm ready, Luka."

Luka looked up to the top of the stairs and saw how breathtaking Sophie looked.

Sophie's Dress

He watched with bated breath as Sophie descended the steps in her rainbow dress and matching heels

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He watched with bated breath as Sophie descended the steps in her rainbow dress and matching heels. Her hair was pulled back on one side with a braid, and loose and curly on the other side. Her sapphire eyes shined like two jewels under her light makeup. Luka was sure that he'd never seen anyone as beautiful as Sophie was. And she was always this beautiful, but he'd never been given an opportunity to openly stare at her. Luka was revelling in the opportunity.

When Sophie had gotten to the bottom of the steps, she walked over to Luka with a deep blush on her cheeks. "Well, Luka, do I look good enough for the semi-formal?"

Luka smiled at her as he found his voice. "You do. You'll be the most beautiful girl at the dance."

Sophie rubbed her arm, nervously. "You don't mean that."

"I do, Soph. I really do."

At the same moment, it seemed they both realized that Jacquet was there with them. Sophie cleared her throat. "Anyway, we should go."

"Yeah, our friends are waiting for us at Le Grand Paris."

Luka offered Sophie his hand, even though he didn't know if they were attending the dance as a couple or not, and she went to take it when Louis called out to them as he came into the room. "Wait! Don't leave yet. I have to have some photos first. After all, it is my daughter's first dance here in Paris. Even if she's just going with a friend."

Sophie and Luka looked at each other for a second, before turning away from each other and chuckling nervously. "Right." She rubbed her arm in nerves as Luka did the same thing with his neck. "Are you okay with a few photos?"

Luka couldn't say no to Sophie for any reason. He smiled at her. "Sure, a few photos wouldn't hurt."

"Parfait!" Louis cheered. "Jacquet, get the camera."

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