Chapter Eleven: Kwagatama

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Clawdette landed in an alleyway between two buildings about a block from Hôtel de Rouen, and Luka climbed of her back. "Barkk, Tail Tuck." Clawdette called out, causing her to detransform and causing Barkk to float out of the bracelet of the Dog Miraculous. Sophie opened her clutch. "Back in, Barkk. Just until I get home." Barkk sighed dramatically, and flew into the clutch.

After Sophie closed the purse, Luka took her hand. "Let's get you home. It's getting late. Your father must be worried sick."

"I hope not. He's never had to worry about me being out late. He wouldn't know what to do with himself." Sophie and Luka walked the block back to the Hôtel Particulier hand-in-hand. They walked up to the gate and Sophie pushed the button to get in.

"Miss Sophie, is that you?" They heard Jacquet say.

"Yes, Jacquet. Sorry I'm so late. I'll explain when I get inside."

The gate swung open for the young couple, and Luka walked Sophie up to the doors. "I think I'll leave you here. I don't know how happy your dad will be with me bringing you home at ten o'clock at night, so I'd rather leave before I find out how he's going to react."

Sophie smirked at her boyfriend. "Are you scared, Luka?"

Luka rubbed his neck, nervously. "Maybe a little. They do say the nicer someone is, the worse they are when they're mad. I don't really want to find out if that's true about your dad tonight."

Sophie chuckled. "Alright. Well, I had a wonderful night, despite the akuma attack. And really, the akuma attack is what made my night in all honesty."

Luka looked at her curiously. "Fighting Nightshade was a better part of the night than becoming my girlfriend or kissing me? That kind of hurts, Soph."

Sophie chuckled again. "That's not what I meant at all, Luka. I meant that if it wasn't for the akuma attack I wouldn't be going home as your girlfriend, and I wouldn't have had the most amazing first kiss the world's ever seen all in one night."

Luka blushed and rubbed at his neck again. "It was your first kiss? And you think it was that great?"

"Of course I think it was that great." Sophie looked down, embarrassed, and rubbed her arm in nerves. "And yeah, it was my first kiss. You know my history with friends. No guys were really knocking down my door to date me either."

"Too bad. They don't know what they were missing." Luka smiled at her, and caressed her cheek. "May I?"

Sophie smiled back at her boyfriend. "Like I said earlier, anytime your heart desires, Babe."

Luka leaned down and kissed Sophie softly. He didn't want to rush their kisses, ever. It was never going to be about pushing for more than she was ready for. All it was ever going to be about was connecting with her in a simple, passionate way.

When Luka pulled back, he placed their foreheads together. "I should go before your dad comes out here looking for you."

Sophie didn't move. "Yeah, right. I should go in. It's late."


"Maybe more kiss?" Sophie requested.

Luka smirked. "I can do that." He leaned forward and kissed her gently again. This time, he held their molded lips together longer.

Then, they heard a muffled voice call out to them. "Can you two please stop?! I want to crawl into the warm, comfy bed already!" Barkk yelled from Sophie's clutch.

Luka and Sophie broke their kiss and chuckled at the Kwami's irritation. Luka pulled their foreheads apart. "I'll let you both go to bed." He looked deep in his girlfriend's eyes. "Good night, Soph."

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