oc introduction

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Name: (Y/N) E. Fiore

Gender: Female

A/B/O: Omega

Age: 21

Hair: green

Eye color: Ocean blue


Occupation: Princess

Guild mark: purple

Toma E. Fiore (father)
Hisui E. Fiore (younger sister)
Rin E. Fiore (son)
Rina E. Fiore (daughter)

Celestial spirit magic
Axe magic
Blood magic
Ace eyes

Axe magic:
Axe magic has been around for a long time, from the moment that people started using tools. The usage of this magic is dated to be around twenty thousand years ago, meaning that this magic is the earliest (if not the first) magic to be used. A tool used for normal purposes, this magic would eventually be used, as is often popular with lumberjacks because of how easy it is to chop down a hundred trees with only a sling of a trusty axe. That would soon change when people started to use this magic as a ceremony, in which the mages who have this holder magic would often use this type of holder magic for sacrificial purposes. Then, a mage thought of how she could channel her magical energy into a said axe, making it more used than before.

Blood magic:
User can create, control, and otherwise manipulate blood of oneself, others, or from their surroundings, whether it be from blood-banks, hospitals, or battlefields.

Ace Eyes - when activated - take the form of black irises with a white, spade shaped pupils along with two white dots at either side of it. These eyes grant the user the ability of vision based psychometry. This allows the user to see the history and future of an object upon gazing at it. This grants the user the ability to instantly witness the past or future of an object that they look upon, providing them potentially vital information on any magical or regular item that they wish.

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