Chapter 6

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After Y/N Laxus and the twins got to Y/N house, you all went inside the house. Then the twins ran off about the house.

You: Sorry, the house is a mess.

Laxus: It's fine. *He said then he followed you to the kitchen,* This place has changed since I've last was here,

You: Well, I had to do some rearranging and getting rid of a lot of stuff, seeing I have toddlers in the house. Although I planned to buy a bigger house but I haven't gotten that far yet. *I said, picking up stuff around the kitchen*

You: I can't wait for the grand magic games it will be exciting to go home. I'm already picking our all the places I plan on showing them.

Laxus: Are you serious about leaving Fairytail.

You: Of course, I've been their for twelve years, and Fairytail wasn't gonna be forever. i got a job back home, and I can't withhold back forever.

Laxus: What if you get a mate before then.

You: The grand magic games are eight months away. So if i can get a mate by then, it will be a low percentage. Now, I need to start packing for my next request i'm going on in a little.

Laxus: So you're leaving on a request now.

You: Of course, i need to get to work. So i can pay bills and get that surprise vacation for the twins. But after I pack and get the twins dropped off, you get a request from the guild. *I said beginning packing my suit case again and packing the twins suit cases as well.*

Laxus: Can I come with you.

You: Sure, I guess you should go home and pack what you need because we're gonna be gone for a bit. Hopefully, not long. I wanna get home and spend time with the babies. *I said as I got into the cabinet where all the medication was at.*

You: Alright, the twins need their allergy pills in case they get a headache. I'll pack both of them, Motrin, and two rice packs for each of them. Plus, I'll pack some bandages if they fall and get hurt. That's all good. I should pack me some headache pills as well. I ain't worried about getting hurt. I can just use my healing magic on me. But I'll pack bandages in case you or the other three get hurt.

Laxus: So you're gonna let the other come with us.

You: Well, yeah their a part of your team it's only natural. Plus, spring, I'm not S class. The council doesn't want me to go without an S class mage. Although I normally take Bacchus seeing he's an S class mage. So he's fit to go with me. But he's also not a part of a team, unlike you, so it's only natural to be nice and invite your team.

Laxus: Is that so. *he said watching you pack everything.*

You: Now you go get all you need from your place and I'll meet you at the guild.

Laxus: Alright. *he said then he left, then he came into the living room to see Rina and Rin playing with their toys talking in their own language to each other. Then he left your house and told the three at the guild to get ready and pack. Then they all went to their places and got ready.

Time skip three hours later. Y/N got everything packed, and the house was fully cleaned up laundry done and put away.

You: Alright, sweethearts, let's get your shoes back on. *I said, putting their shoes on them.* Now you two can both take four toys, then they went to their separate toy boxes and pulled out the four they wanted. And brought them back to you.* Alright then, let's put them in your toy bag. *I said, putting them in the bag* Can you go get a stuffed animal to cuddle with.

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