chapter 2

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Later that day, Y/N went home and got changed into a different outfit. Then she took the twins to hang out at the park with the twins pushing them on the swings. Both of the kids were giggling.

You: How you two doing.

Rina: Good higher.

You: Honey, you can't go higher. You're gonna fall. *I said as the kids kept swinging back and forth, and little did you know a blond Mage was walking about the park. When he saw you and decided to come over to you, Laxus then came up beside you, which you saw him* Hey Laxus.

This is what you were wearing

This is what you were wearing

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Laxus: Hey, shorty. *he said then he smelt your scent finally and he felt an instant connection and your scent was addictive to him*

Rin: Mommy, who's he. *he said, then you both turned to the twins who sat in the swings staring at you guys.*

You: He's an old friend of mine, his name is Laxus, can you two say Laxus.

Both: Laxus. *they said, messing up his name*

You: Close enough you're getting their. But you two are doing amazing saying words. *I said, rubbing their heads, and they smiled. * So what are you doing here. *I said, looking at him*

Laxus: I don't have anything to do, so I just was walking around.

You: Well, you can hang out with us.

Laxus: Alright. *he said honestly, just watching you, then he couldn't help but see the flower tattoo on your side where the scar he left on your side when he slammed you into the wall Kardia Cathedral He also broke your leg and arm. Honestly, the guilt ate at him for some odd reason when it was your fault for fighting when he told you not to.* Sorry.

You: Huh, sorry for what, you didn't do anything.

Laxus: I'm sorry for beating you sense less back in the Kardia Cathedral.

You: Eh, it's alright. It's in the past. Although it's quite surprising hearing the big bad Laxus Dreyar saying sorry, I don't know if i should be worried or honored.

Laxus: Shut it shorty.

You: I'm just kidding, plus the scar you left gave me an excuse to get the flower tattoo I've been wanting.

Laxus: I take you like flowers.

You: Yeah, I love flowers. *I said happily*

Rina: Is he gonna be daddy. *she said innocently.*

You: No He's not gonna be your daddy.

Rin: He looks cool. *he said and began pushing a little on the swings*

You: We ain't like that, although I bet Makarov would see his fiasco.

Laxus: What about Gramps.

You: He constantly joked about us dating and becoming mates. Because he wants me as his granddaughter, *I said, and Laxus could believe what you're saying. Makarov has always been like that. I even joked about it to him once, although he never took it seriously, especially since he thought you were a beta.*

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