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Time skip


Yukino ' it's been 10 years since I've reincarnated into this world and also I'm still home school and it's good cause I don't really want to go outside my house cause there's really nothing to do and boring ....well just don't want to cause Its the pain int the ass'.

Yukino"well I should go and cook something to eat"

Yukino walk out of her room then go to the kitchen,she cook omelette egg for her to eat, awhile later she's done cooking then she put some rice and the omelette at the top of it then eat it,the moment she's done eating she stood up from her seat then go to the fridge and took the milk she took a glass then pour the milk ,she tidy up herself then wash the dishes,clean the table then she was her hand and dry her hands and make her way to her room.

Yukino'well this past 5 years I learned something new to past the time in the house like,piano, calligraphy, violen, guitar,dancing,10 languages, cooking,baking, singing,etc...well I've learned all of those on my own well I gotta admit being a genius is convenient and easy to learn'


Time skip


Yukino' it's been 16 years since, I've been reincarnated and in a month I will go to nurturing highschool where the classroom of the elite takes place and it's look I'm the same year with the protagonist......well I didn't expect to be accepted in nurturing highschool even though I almost have no communication with others other than my parents and I didn't even excel the exam ....maybe cause of the interview?....well it's nothing ....sigh looks like I have to prepare something to earn points cause I don't want to experience having no money...well just in case I've been put in class d...'

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