Chapter 4

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Sometime later...

"How could I be allergic to my best friend?" said Nigel.

"Some people have psychosomatic allergies" said Patrick. 

Nigel sneezed again. "So I sneeze around because I think something of you?"

"Perhaps. I'd dread knowing what" said Patrick.

"Me too." 

"And what about our job?"

"Well... we'll have to... perform apart."

"Nigel, that's ridiculous. We'd have to be apart for the rest of our lives" said Patrick. 

Ridiculous it was. It was really hard to perform far apart. 

The crowd didn't know what was going on and kept complaining that they'd never been apart before. 

Sometime later, Nigel walked sadly to the bar and had a seat.

"Hey, Nigel. Taking a break?" said Paris.

"Hullo, Paris. Yes" said Nigel.

"Want a ginger ale? I always save it for ya" said Paris.

"Double please. I'd also like to bring a glass of wine to Patrick" Nigel answered. 

"To Patrick? He's right over there; you could have asked him to join you" said Paris.

"I didn't want to sneeze on him. It's not easy having a friend you can't get close to" said Nigel as he drank his ginger ale. 

Brooklyn's Red Carpet ep. 14- "God Bless Nigel"Where stories live. Discover now