Chapter 6

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After another solo song, Nigel walked back to the apartment building all alone. 

On his way in, he fell in a ditch and got covered in mud. 

"At least I'm not allergic to it" he said to himself. 

He got back to his apartment and tried to turn on his shower.

But when he did, the handle broke off the faucet!

He had to get another one, so Nigel exited the apartment building to find Patrick coming back from the hotel.

"Patrick!" said Nigel with a smile.

"Nigel. I'm sorry; I didn't know you were here" said Patrick. 

He turned around and tried to walk in the opposite direction.

"Wait, old boy. You don't have to go. I don't mind sneezing a little" said Nigel. 

"Are you sure?" said Patrick. 

"Of course. Whoever wrote that book Mrs Sevaroff had was trying to scare us" said Nigel.

"Well, they succeeded" said Patrick. 

He tried to enter the apartment building, but he fell into the ditch Nigel fell into and also got covered in mud.

"I should have warned you. The construction workers need to fix that" said Nigel.

Patrick got up and noticed that Nigel was fine even though they were close to each other. 

"Nigel... you're not sneezing anymore" said Patrick.

"I'm not?"

"You're not. But why?" 

Nigel examined Patrick and came to a conclusion.

"Maybe when you're covered in mud, I'm not allergic to you anymore" he said.

"Wonderful! I s'pose I'll have to stay covered in mud forever" said Patrick.

Erica Grey was coming home from work when she saw the two boys. 

"Hey guys" she said.

"Hullo, Erica" said Nigel.

Erica then noticed how muddy they were and cringed. "Okay, this is weird even for you."

"It's not important, luv. I'm allergic to Patrick" said Nigel.

"I make him sneeze" said Patrick. 

"Except when he's covered in mud" Nigel added.

"So I have to stay covered in mud forever" finished Patrick.

"That's the silliest thing I ever heard. You guys have been friends forever; Nigel can't be allergic to you" said Erica.

"Well, he is. We confirmed that today" said Patrick. 

"Fine. At least let Nigel take a shower" said Erica.

"That reminds me. The handle broke off my shower, Patrick; can I use yours?" said Nigel.

"Certainly" said Patrick. 

Brooklyn's Red Carpet ep. 14- "God Bless Nigel"Where stories live. Discover now