Chapter 7

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Nigel, Patrick and Erica went to Patrick's apartment. 

Patrick turned on the shower and gave Nigel his new shower gel. 

But then, before he could take off his clothes, Nigel sneezed.

"Oh no! It's starting again" said Patrick. 

Erica took the whole moment into account. 

"Nigel... I'm not sure it's Patrick you're allergic to" she said. 

Nigel sneezed again. "You don't?"

"No. I think it might be something added to that shower gel" said Erica. 

Patrick took the gel far away and Nigel didn't sneeze. 

"See? When the gel is far from Nigel, he doesn't sneeze. But when you give it back to him..." Erica started.

Patrick gave the gel back to Nigel and he sneezed.

"He sneezes!" finished Erica.

"That makes sense. I bought the gel on Monday. But the first time I used it was yesterday" said Patrick.

"And I started sneezing yesterday" said Nigel.

"There you go. It is the shower gel. So Patrick will have to stop using it" said Erica.

"Smashing! Nigel & Patrick are back together again!" Patrick cheered. 

Nigel tried to agree, but he sneezed instead.

"Bless you" said Erica. 

"Thank you" said Nigel.

"Come on, old boy. Let's go to the ocean so both of us can get washed up" said Patrick. 

"I'm right behind you" said Nigel. 

Brooklyn's Red Carpet ep. 14- "God Bless Nigel"Where stories live. Discover now