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AS I WALKED down the aisle, my eyes scanned the seats, searching for familiar faces among the passengers.

My heart sank a little as I passed by my friends, each of them seated next to someone they didn't know. We exchanged knowing glances, a mix of guilt and understanding passing between us. We reassured ourselves with smiles, silently promising that we would make the most of our time together once we arrived in Jeju.

Following Jungwon's lead, I continued down the aisle, my footsteps echoing in the confined space of the bus.

I carefully selected a seat, settling down with a mix of anticipation and uncertainty. I settled into my seat, the small suitcase he had so kindly relieved me of now placed gently on my lap. I gave him a pursed-lip smile before confusion flickered in my eyes as I observed him taking the seat beside me. Our relationship had been riddled with tension and disagreements, so the unexpected proximity left me shocked.

"They're no more seats," Jungwon stated matter-of-factly, his words carrying an air of finality. It was as if he could sense the confusion that swirled within me. I nodded in acknowledgment, allowing his explanation to settle the swirling thoughts in my mind. My attention shifted towards the window, my gaze fixated on the world outside. I made a conscious effort to ignore the proximity of our bodies, the warmth of his presence seeping into my consciousness. The bus seats were designed for two, snug and intimate.

As the bus pulled away from the school, I allowed myself to immerse in a mixture of emotions. There was a twinge of sadness at not being able to sit with my friends, but also a sense of anticipation for the new connections and experiences that awaited me on this journey. I leaned back in my seat, determined to make the most of the ride, knowing that soon we would arrive in Jeju, where our paths would converge once again.

The bus hummed with conversation, the excited voices of my classmates filling the air. I glanced out the window, watching as the scenery blurred past, a blur of buildings and streets giving way to more open spaces. The thought of the adventures that awaited us in Jeju filled me with a sense of excitement and wonder.

The journey to Jeju unfolded amidst the symphony of our classmates' laughter and animated conversations, creating an atmosphere of vibrant energy. Jungwon and I sat side by side, cocooned in a shared silence. Seeking solace within the chaos, I plugged my AirPods into my ears, surrendering myself to the melodies that unfurled. The music enveloped me, harmonizing with the gentle vibrations of the bus, melding into a soothing lullaby.

I turned my attention back to the window, allowing my gaze to wander over the passing scenery. The picturesque landscapes and rolling hills blurred together, mesmerizing me with their beauty. The rhythmic sway of the bus, coupled with the melodies that danced in my ears, lulled me into a state of tranquility.

My eyelids grew heavy, succumbing to the weight of sleep that pulled me under. With my head resting against the cool windowpane, I surrendered to the embrace of slumber, allowing the bus to carry me forward into the realm of dreams.


As I sat on the bus, surrounded by the noise of my loud classmates, I tried my best to tune out the noise and focus on my own thoughts. It had been a long day, and the prospect of spending more time in the company of my academic rival, Kang Jurin, was not exactly appealing. I preferred solitude and quiet, not the constant banter and competition that came with being around her.

Lost in my own world, I was abruptly jolted out of my thoughts when I felt a sudden weight on my shoulder. Startled, my body jerked in surprise as I turned my head to see Jurin leaning against me, fast asleep. Soft and quiet snores escaped her lips, a stark contrast to the chaos surrounding us. My eyes widened, unsure of how to react to this unexpected intrusion of personal space.

For a brief moment, I contemplated waking her up, but then I noticed the peaceful expression on her face. It was a rare sight, one that softened her features and made her seem vulnerable in a way I had never seen before. And then, to my surprise, she wrapped her arms around my arm, snuggling up against my side. The warmth of her body against mine was unexpected and unfamiliar, stirring a mix of confusion and curiosity within me.

I watched in fascination as she pulled my arm closer to her, my arm now resting on her lap. It was an intimate gesture, one that revealed a vulnerability I never would have expected from someone like her. I couldn't help but recall snippets of conversations I had overheard from her friends, mentioning her habit of not being able to sleep without hugging something. It seemed that in her sleep, she sought comfort and security, even if it meant unknowingly leaning on her rival.

My hand hovered uncertainly in mid-air, unsure of what to do. Should I wake her up and disrupt her peaceful slumber, or should I let her continue sleeping, even though it felt strange to have her so close? My mind raced with conflicting thoughts and emotions.



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