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JURIN'S EYES narrowed further, her patience wearing thin. "At least I don't leave a trail of chaos wherever I go. Maybe if you took a moment to think about someone other than yourself, we wouldn't be having this conversation," she fired back, her voice laced with a mix of anger and exasperation.

I shrugged nonchalantly, a smirk playing on my lips. "Well, maybe if you weren't so uptight and obsessed with order, you might actually enjoy life a little. It's not my fault you can't handle a little bit of mess," I retorted, my words intentionally provoking.

Jurin's face flushed with anger, her voice sharp with annoyance. "Enjoy life? Please, spare me. I have better things to do than clean up after your sloppiness. Just do us all a favor and try to be a little more considerate for once," she snapped, her frustration palpable.

Seeing her mad only made me smile more. It was a sight I liked to see, a sight I craved. Seeing her get upset over little things is amusing to me.

The tension between us hung in the air, thick and heavy. Neither of us were willing to back down, each holding onto our respective stubbornness. With a final glare, Jurin turned on her heel and stormed toward the bathroom, picking up the towel on the ground before throwing it at my face and going into the bathroom, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

As the door slammed shut, the weight of our exchange settled on my shoulders. I grabbed the towel that dropped to my shoulders and placed it on the shelf, planning to put it in its respective place later.

Perhaps there was more to this animosity than mere differences in cleanliness. Maybe it was time to reflect on our behavior and find a way to coexist, even if it meant tolerating each other's flaws.

Even with the smallest of problems, only we could make it into a dramatic mess and a big deal, that was a thing between our rivalry.

Our rivalry had become a constant source of tension, and it seemed that even the simplest of issues could escalate into a full-blown argument. It was clear that something needed to change if we were ever going to find common ground and live in harmony.


As I stepped into the bathroom, the lingering frustration from our intense argument weighed heavily on my mind. However, my attention quickly diverted when I realized with a sinking feeling that I had absentmindedly left my essential items for the day in my luggage. Letting out a heavy sigh at my own carelessness, I hurriedly swung open the bathroom door and awkwardly made my way toward my bag, feeling a wave of embarrassment wash over me. To make matters worse, Jungwon couldn't help but stifle a chuckle, which only fueled my annoyance before I retreated into the bathroom.

I commenced my morning routine, brushing my teeth, methodically brushing my hair, and proceeding to take a refreshing shower. As I towel-dried my body, I settled for a comfortable, loose-fitting shirt and a pair of gray sweatpants. Emerging from the bathroom with a towel draped over my shoulder, I couldn't help but notice Jungwon lying on the bed, completely engrossed in his phone.

"Hey, I want to lay on the bed," I stated, gesturing towards the spot with a subtle nod of my head as I continued to dry my hair.

"You've had it all night, and my back is killing me," Jungwon responded absentmindedly, his eyes still transfixed on the screen as he aimlessly scrolled through his social media feed. I let out a weary sigh, taking a seat beside him before finally reclining on the bed, and retrieving my phone from my pocket. Jungwon glanced at me, raising an eyebrow inquisitively. Sensing his gaze, I met his eyes, shooting him a glare tinged with annoyance.

"What?" I questioned, my tone conveying my exasperation.

"You're so unattractive," he stated bluntly, curling his lip in a mockingly disdainful manner before returning his attention to his phone. I put my fist in the air, acting like I was about to punch him which made him click his tongue.
"Please, the only thing that looks intimidating right now is that messy hair of yours," Jungwon stated, referring that my fake punch wasn't scary to him.

I bit my bottom lip in response, playfully retaliating by giving his leg an affectionate kick under the covers, causing him to yelp and groan in surprise.



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