Twenty-Four: Grapes, Apologies, and Deja Vu

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GRAPES, APOLOGIES, AND DEJA VU———————————————aka: where Jere needs help and Cali sabotages with grapes

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aka: where Jere needs help and Cali sabotages with grapes.
commenting and voting helps me update and I love reading them, so pls don't be a ghost reader!!

Conrad spun around the second the final point was called, his eyes zeroing in on Cali, who was right behind him. Without a second thought, he bolted towards her, his excitement practically lifting him off the ground. He scooped her up in a tight hug, lifting her into the air.

"Okay, okay, put me down!" Cali laughed, realizing he was about to spin her around.

"Nope, we've got to celebrate!" Conrad grinned, holding her close and not letting go.

Ignoring her playful protests, he carried her over to the award table where their trophy was waiting. By then, their teammates and everyone else had gathered around, sharing in the excitement of the win.

Their parents stood nearby, watching the scene unfold with a mix of pride and slight embarrassment at how over-the-top their kids were being. But deep down, it was clear they were just as thrilled.

"Congrats, Cali," Belly said, as she and Taylor approached Calista once things had finally calmed down. Beneath the casual congratulatory words, there was an unspoken question—both girls wanted to make sure everything was cool between them.

"Thanks," Cali replied with a smile. "By the way, how's your ankle?"

"It's doing great, actually," Taylor said with a smirk, making Cali suspect she'd been right all along—Taylor might have faked that injury just to get Belly and Jeremiah on the same team.

Speaking of Jeremiah, Cali couldn't help but bring it up. "Belly, you didn't have to take Jere out like that!"

"I had to, okay?" Belly insisted, laughing. "I really wanted to win."

"Look at him over there," Taylor chimed in, pointing towards where Jeremiah stood. "He looks like a little kid who just had his favorite toy taken away."

The three girls turned to look, and sure enough, there he was, glancing over at them with a slightly pouty expression, clearly missing out on the conversation.

"Maybe I should go apologize," Belly said, almost to herself as she considered how Jeremiah might be feeling. Before anyone could respond to her, Nicole suddenly appeared right in front of them as they all turned back around.

"Oh, Nicole!" Belly exclaimed, clearly caught off guard. "I didn't realize you were here."

"Yeah, I was just watching from the sidelines," Nicole replied with a casual shrug. She then turned her attention to Cali, "Great job out there, by the way. You guys really killed it."


Taylor struggled to keep a straight face, clearly finding Cali's bluntness amusing. She tried to hold back her laughter, but it sounded anyway, escaping in a suppressed giggle.

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