chapter 6

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scar's view:
a month later -
today is the day. our family except, for ezra n my dad (due to his school stuff) all went out to wsu to drop chris off. my heart is breaking, i really don't know how i am suppose to leave him. we spent all summer every minute together, i haven't left his arms all day. we got on a airplane
two days ago and we stayed in a hotel as we moved him in. i stare at all the pretty sorority girls, i overthink a lot i mean me and chris have really good trust but i can't help it.
"hey you okay?" chris wraps his arm around my waist, i smile and nod but chris knows me too well. "baby. talk to me come here" he pulls me in away from the family, ( at the college touring around). "i'm sorry" , "hey no talk to me you're okay" he says tucking my hair behind my ears and looking my face up and around, "i'm just scared, and really fucking sad chris. what am i gonna do without you. we spent 3 months together and now i won't see you forever" my eyes get a bit watery but i try not to cry, "scar. you're my person. one, no need to overthink about me being here i'm in love with you no matter how far. two, we are gonna face some challenges but i know we can make it. and three there are so many opportunities to get a flight out here and of course i can go down to virginia." he kisses my forehead, "you're right". i love the way chris reassures me about everything, no matter how mad he is he always makes sure i'm okay first. i knew from here on that chris and are gonna make it, i love this boy and he loves me.
     time has finally came. we have to head to the airport, chris uses his new car to drive us all back to the airport. while driving he fidgets a lot
with the ring i bought him for when he needed to calm down for a second with a distraction. his hand was placed on the gears, i place mine on his and he moved it onto my thigh. i take a picture. tears start to form and i bite my nails a lot, "you're okay" chris says over the music playing. once we park his parents and my mom grab our bags and walk towards check in, chris grabs mine as we follow. he grabs tight to my hand, doesn't let go even during check in. everyone says goodbye to him, his mom sheds some tears and long hugs. i hate this. i don't wanna leave him, my lip quivers and tears fall as he hugs me. "i don't wanna leave you" i say, he lifts me and i wrap my legs and arms around him, "i know baby i know", the look on his face makes me crumble and i cry more. my heart isn't whole without him, he brushes his hands through my hair. "i love you scarlett. more than anything. we're going to be okay. i promise you" he says holding my hands, "i love you chris. i know we'll make it", "call me when you make it to your gate okay?" he says, "i will. i love you so much" i walk towards security, "i love you".

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