chapter 8

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scar's pov;
    we spent that whole thursday flying over to washington. we came two days early because chris had practice on friday before the game but today was there rest and be healthy type of day.
chris and i pretty much were asleep all of the day that we flew back but i was so excited to see more of washington since last night we just flew out there and back to drop him off which was a sad day. "so i was thinking while my parents get checked into there hotel, we should go to the cub where they have lots of wsu merch and meet up with some of my friends?" chris says as we grab our bags from the carousel, "that sounds like fun!" i smile. i'm kind of nervous to meet his friends but excited to get all spirited up for his game on saturday because that's kind of my thing always has been especially being a cheer leader. "oh andddd if you're down,, we can go to a party tomorrow night" he says in a sing song way, "okay we'll see" i tease. chris and i haven't been to a party together since the summer and even then we weren't yet dating.
inside the cub there was soooo much cougar gear! i get a shirt that says cougar gf, as well as a hoodie w some socks. i love how excited chris got to show me everything, he holds up the football jerseys they have and says he'll buy me one. "yoo chris what's up!" a tall boy says doing some confusing handshake, "oh shoot hey man" chris says, "this is my girlfriend scarlett", "oh we've heard so much about you" another boy comes behind the first one and slaps his shoulder, "hi!" i smile. i go to checkout and chris finds us all a table to chat at. they all brag about different things and some football memories, i dazed off a little.
after chris and i head to his dorm. everything was walking distance. beautiful autumn leaves fall from the trees down the street, i take a quick cute picture w chris holding my hand. his dorm was the biggest building in the campus, and he had his own room. chris and i have made out before and yano like grabby but we've never been farther than that, not that i don't want to. being away from him makes me crave his touch so much but i don't know if he feels the same way only because we don't really talk about it. "wanna shower with me?" chris says but then realizes quickly we've never done that, i look shocked for a second, "sorry sorry i didn't mean-" , "i wanna" i say, chris gives me a small smirk. i was nervous because although chris has seen my body in a bikini he's never seen me NAKED.

chris's pov:
   scar has always been someone i grew up with as we got older my crush on her became stronger but i never thought i'd ever be getting so intimate with her. of course i want to, i never thought she did though. she always seemed to innocent, but being distant makes me crave her more. i start up the shower, our forms were the nice expensive once so i had a walk in shower with the glass doors. scar comes behind me, i stare at her as she undresses and i do the same. "you're beautiful scar" i say with my hand holding her face, she smiles and we get in the shower. she drops her shoulders as if weight has been lifted off, i stand behind her as the water runs through her dark brown hair. "you okay?" i ask rubbing her shoulders, "mhm" she leans her head back on me. i could tell she needed this, i grab the shampoo and rub my hands together. "thank you" she says as i massage her scalp, she looked so perfect and i definitely needed this too before the big game. scar always knows how to make me feel good even without intention. the soap in her hair leaves as she's under the water, scar turns around towards me and wraps her arms around my leg. "i love you" she says, "i love you" i reply kissing her long and deep.
i put some plaid pj pants on, and scar grabs a hoodie from my drawers. i lay in bed as she turns the lights off, she's the cutest thing ever. "come here" i say, she crawls into my arms and i hold her. "you're my forever scar".

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