chapter 11

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scar's pov:
*the next morning*
i wake up and chris is snoring cuddling up close to me. i kiss his forehead and decide to wash his jersey and clothes from yesterday. "baby come back to bed" chris says, i didn't even realize it was only 7am. i finish cleaning up and get back under the covers, "what's wrong?" he asks, "nothing", chris holds me and i fall back asleep.
"thank you for helping clean up baby. i appreciate you" chris kisses me, "let's go out tonight. like a date" he says, "really?", "yes why not?" he looks back winking, "yay!". chris and i haven't been on a date forever, i love intimate dates with him it's so cute and romantic. i look through my luggage for another cute dress and i pull out a white, tight, short dress that had lace near the top. i do my makeup and straighten my hair, "can you help me zip this up chris" i ask, he nods and pulls me towards him sitting at the dining table, "you're stunning" he says smacking my butt as i turn around to finish getting ready. "so where are we going?", "oh it's a surprise" chris says, "ugh you know i HATE surprises" i groan, "noo baby you'll love it , trust".
i get out the car and it's beautiful. there's an isle of fall trees around a restaurant. chris opens the door for me and we are seated. "this is so fancy" i say picking up the menu, chris knows i LOVE fancy and gourmet although it does get pricy we've been a few times. this is a perfect date night plus ITALIAN FOOD??? yum. "im gonna miss you" chris frowns after the woman grabs our order, "i know. me too" i say taking a sip from my water.
chris puts his leg in between mine as we finish up eating causing some sexual tension. he puts his hand on my thigh under the table and drags his finger up my dress- "christopher!" i nag getting nervous, he smirks. we pay and get back quickly to the car, he grabs my face and kisses me. long and soft kisses...

(yk what happens next when they get home).
       we lay in bed together after. i wrap my arms around chris, i don't know why but now i feel attached to him. but i also feel really close to him in a way, and good about it. chris gets up to use the bathroom and i frown, "hey you okay" he asks, i nod. i'm so sad about having to leave him tomorrow night. i don't know how i am suppose to, im gonna miss him so much. i know he's coming for christmas but that's a month away.

next night...

      the day has come. chris is dropping me off at the airport, he helps unload my bags and check in. once we get to security it's time to say goodbye, we've been here before. "i love you so much scar. i'll be here forever i promise you" i wrap my arms around his neck and he holds me tight as tears fall, "i hate this long distance" i say, "we'll be okay. be safe. i love you" he says kissing my tears away, "i love you" i say. he watches as i get through security i can't see him anymore..

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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