Shipwrecked Chapter 20

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Shipwrecked Chapter 20: Unexpected



** Carrie **

I instantly saw red.

Red trees, leaves, Lucy.


He couldn't do this to me, could he? No, I wouldn't believe it. He wasn't like that...

Yet, he was.

I remember the first time I saw him, I thought he was an arrogant jerk.

It turns out, first impressions stick.

So everything he had ever done for me was just an act? Was he in this whole thing with Lucy? Were they both insane? Playing some murderous trick on me?

But it didn't add up. Why would she hurt Dan if they were together.


Everything in my mind signalled that Dan was telling the truth. He never loved me, he loved Lucy. Right?

Without fully realising what I was doing, I jerked my head away from Lucy's hand. A pain erupted in my scalp from where the hair in her hand had left my head, but I was too angry to notice it.

I walked forward menacingly, giving Dan the death glare. Fast as light, I brought my fist back, curling my fingers and tucking my thumb in. Swiftly, I brought it forward to collide dangerously with Dan's face. The was a sharp intake of breath from behind me, before Dan crumpled to the floor in pain.

But I wasn't done yet.

I rounded on Lucy. A small smile worked its way across my face. I was so going to enjoy this. She wasn't expecting me to do any of this apparently, as a small 'O' shape had found its way onto her mouth.

She was probably expecting me to cry, to break down and weep while she mopped up all the glory.

Yeah. Well I'm not one to go down without a fight.

"You lied to me," I spat through my teeth.

"You manipulated me, hurt me, tore my heart out and then threw it out to the sharks," I all but yelled.

"Didn't you," I relished quietly.

She didn't reply, her face was reflecting her mood: she was scared.

"Didn't you," I snarled angrily.

Her face contorted into one of pure disgust, and it made her a tad uglier. In my eyes.


Her voice was calm, her face menacing. Her eyes were afraid.

Slowly, I stalked forward. Slowly, my grin became bigger.

And I slapped her as hard as my rage would let me.

Her face became red as the pain hit her, and she stumbled back a few steps. She looked shocked, almost paralysed.

And for now, I knew I had won.

I turned around and sprinted into the forest, not knowing where I was going, just knowing that I was glad to have caused them some kind of pain. Even if it was only physical.

The wounds I had given them would heal. The pain would fade, there would be no scars.

But the pain they had caused me? The scars I had from having to go through all of this? Well, I'm sure they wont heal for a very long time.

I'll make them pay more, I thought to myself as I wandered further through the forest. I'll rip both their hearts out eventually, and I'll enjoy doing it.

And with that thought, I curled up on the hard floor, and fell asleep.



Sorry it took so long. I really am.

<3 Drama xx

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