Chapter 2: "I do"

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Dillia's favorite author was mistory writer she was one of the most loved author's by the people of the kingdom. She had an intire section just dedicated to her alone and her books. No one knew her identity in the intire kingdom. Once the King Augustine demanded for her identity to be revealed but she couldn't for she was shy as well.
'..... And with that they were wed. I do not understand mother, why have you made me read this chapter' said a puzzled looking Dallia. 'Have you not told her yet? ' said Alet and she handed her father his tea and grabbed the newspaper from him. ' And you father how long have I told not to read the news for it will only increase your blood pressure and why did you wear yellow tie on a blue suit. Mother did you let dress like this? ' said Alet as though she was the mother of house. ' Well I would never, Jacklin please get my husband a navy blue tie.' said Bania ' Now Dallia, my child, you do you know the Landor family well they only have one heir and you have been engaged to him for 7 months now. Your wedding was meant to be 5 months ago. Remember?'. ' But why now mother. I felt ready 5 months ago but now I feel unprepared. And mother for 6 months I have barely seen the man. Alet did you know about this?' shouted Dallia confusingly as Alet tried her best to hid in a tea cup.

'But he wants to get married to now and you will get to meet him tonight at dinner. His coming over tonight' 'TONIGHT' Dallia scritched ' My dear this is what you wanted and now it's here. He is ready for you now and he's ready to take you. You Said this will insure your happiness. You were ready back then so what's the difference now' smiled Bania trying to convince Dallia ' Now please be on your best behavior tonight please. It's time for you to be a lady of a house'. 'Fine. I am ready'. Bania face lit up like star 'Jacklin, prepare the dress for Dallia and prepare an amazing supper for will be having guests'
Later in the day, Dallia got ready and wore purple floral laced dress and her hand maid Priscilla styled her beautiful brown hair in an elegant bun and decorated it with fake small purple flowers. Bania looked like she was gonna explode at the word go.
' My little woman. You look gorgeous Lincoln won't be able to take he's eyes off you' said Bania
'I wanted this mother, I have been waiting for 7 months to be married, for the day I finally get to say I do in a white dress. I want to be a woman' said Dallia as if she were about to cry. Bania place a kiss on her forehead and lead her down stairs were they met the rest of the family and Lincoln.
Andrian introduced Dallia to Lincoln. 'He look much different than last time we met. He looked bigger and older but he still is as handsome as then' thought Dallia as they were having dinner.
'I feel like there's no need to withhold this wedding. I have already carried out the discussion with the priest and he is ready. He says that twedding can happen in the next 2 days. Is that ok?' Lincoln said it as if he was he was handling a business briefing
'I think it would be ok' said Dallia's parents all at once. ' What do you think Dallia' Lincoln asked. Dallia simply nodded and it was cheers all around
' So the I do date is in 2 days. Your dress fitting is tomorrow with lady Gilmor, both you and the brides maids. '
'Cheers' shouted Andrian.
The very next day everyone mostly the ladies were excited to go have their dresses fitted and adjusted. Dallia's bridesmaid was her best friend May who was her best friend since kindergarten who had been married married got married 4 months ago. Her and Alet were going to be wearing royal blue velvet dresses while her mother was going to wear a royal blue laced dress with diamonds imblished around the neck line.
Dallia wedding dress was beautiful and had reamstones trailing from the hair to the train bottom. She was going to be wearing a royal blue necklace with matching earing that apperently belonged to Lincoln's late mother. As per custom the bride and the groom were to pick out rings for their spouses. Dallia chose a simple yet elegant silver ring with diamonds on it. All the ladies were sure that Lincoln would love the ring and that he was going to pick out an equally stunning one for her too.

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