Chapter 6: You can't be serious

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Dallia grabbed her rob and slid on her house slippers and made her way down to Lincoln's room. She didn't bother to knock and pushed the doors open. At the edge of the bed's floor, she saw a red wet coat she looked at it for a second and then turned her attention to Lincoln who had his hands waist high in a dress of a Lady who was kissing him with her hand wrapped Lincoln's neck.
The lady noticed Dallia at the door and she wasn't pleased to see her.' Aren't servant meant to knock before entering their masters room. And why are you standing just standing there, turn around and get out 'the lady gave Dallia an ear full but she heard non of it because her mind was fixated on Lincoln who still had his hands around the waist of the lady and was staring back at her.
Lincoln's face softened as he saw a tear fall from Dallia's eye. 'Oh I am guessing you are Lincoln's pawn. Well, now you know. I am Lincoln's real love and I am meant to be his wife and I will soon immediately he divorces you' the last three words woke Dallia up from her trance. 'Divorce Lincoln' Dallia felt her knees grow weak and she fell to the ground. 'A pawn' she said as she looked at Lincoln who was still holding the woman.
It was as though he was held in the position. The lady made Lincoln head turn toward her and they continued where they left off. Dallia lost breathe but managed to carry and rush herself to her room. She locked the door behind herself. She rolled herself into a ball and weeped. She then noticed a bottle of wine on the table near her window that had been there since the day she arrived but she kept forgetting to tell Priscilla to get rid of it. She was about to grab it when it hit her that she doesn't drink alcoholic deverages but the image of Lincoln and the lady pierced her thought.
She opened the bottle and poured a full cup for herself. She jugged it down and it left a bitter taste in her mouth but while drinking it tasted sweet. She poured and drunk the second glass, then the third up until she reached her 7th glass and when it ran out she threw the bottle to the ground.
She felt an unknown rage wash over her which made the air around her heavy to breath. She took off her rob and began to throw everything off her dressing table and everywhere else. When she had nothing else to throw she opened the window and let out an agonizing scream which made the rain seem to pour heavier and moved to the center of the room close to the pieces of glass and sat on the floor to continue her crying.
She curled up into a ball and she weeped. Later in the morning Priscilla came to Dallia's room and knocked on the door which was still locked. Dallia mumbled a rude and harsh go away and Priscilla left. It was after tea time and Priscilla went to check up on Dallia again this time she painfully said leave me alone. The rain had lightened up a bit and Priscilla could clearly her and then she went on her way. Lincoln sat down at the dinner table and asked Cathy to call Dallia down for lunch. Cathy's request also got denied and she also simply left her alone. Lincoln wasn't around for dinner and only got back after mid night. Lincoln made his way to Dallia's room and knocked.
'Dallia must be asleep by now. She must not even want to see my face. I probably shouldn't bother her' Lincoln thought to himself. He went to his room and sat down on his bed and began to read through the book that Dallia had dropped on his doorstep the evening he and Florence, the lady Lincoln was found with, were seen by Dallia.
In the morning, Priscilla finished setting up the table for breakfast and Lincoln appeared. ' Isn't Dallia joining for breakfast? We didn't have dinner last night together so I thought we could have breakfast together atleast' he said as he lowed himself into his sit. ' The madam hasn't been out of her room for a day and she didn't have her yesterday's supper , lunch or breakfast. That's why I am here to ask you to try talking her out room' Priscilla said all this trying to hold back tears. ' You can't be serious' Lincoln said continuously as he ran up to Dallia's room. He began to bang on the door and call out Dallia's name but to no avail. He called the garden Man who helped him push the door open.
Priscilla covered her mouth in shock and ran to Dallia who Lincoln was trying to wake up. Lincoln shoke Dallia to wake her up but he couldn't get her to awaken. Her skin was cold to the touch with her dress socking wet. She had dark circles around her eyes along with a small cut on her forehead from the glass. Lincoln screamed at Priscilla to have the doctor brought there as fast as possible.
Lincoln laid her on the bed and wrapped her with a blanket and he used a towel to wipe her hair dry.

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