Chapter 7: Dispose of me

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Priscilla changed Dallia's clothes for they were dripping wet. Lincoln sat next to Dallia holding on to her hand. She was still unconscious and at this point the only thing Lincoln wanted her to do was to say something, anything at all. At some point he even gave way to tears.

The doctor arrived and asked for everyone to leave the room. He asked Priscilla to stay close by Incase he need anything. Lincoln was constantly pacing at door waiting for a clearance from the doctor. Priscilla would leave the room from time to time to grab somethings that the doctor would request for. Mostly it was just some hot water and cloth.

The doctor finally came out of the room which made Lincoln's head grow cold. "Tell me. Is she alright ? Is she awake? Can I go see her?" Lincoln shot questions like bullets. "Yes you may go in. She just had a high wine intake so I have given a list of medicines to the maid and when and how much/many she should take? "The doctor said. He bid farewell and left in Lincoln's couch.

He opened the door and saw Dallia laying with her eyes open on the bed. Lincoln kissed her forehead and said "I am so glad you are ok now?"
" Leave us alone Priscilla"said Dallia as she tried to master up strength. "When we opened the door your room was a mess. What happened? The doctor said you had too much wine but why were you drinking. I thought you didn't? "
" Some things can push you to trying thing you never thought of" Dallia said while facing away from Lincoln. Lincoln felt the hostility coming from Dallia and believe me it was uncomfortable." Tell me what's the matter with you right now" Lincoln, at this point, was starting to get irritated." You dare to ask me what's wrong with me? After what I witnessed the other night, trust me I should be the one asking you" Dallia said out of anger while in the comfort of her blanket.
Lincoln stood at the end of the bed and his eyes grew weary. " Isn't that why you drank yourself half to death" he said in a harsh undertone. "Lincoln I thought we had something special, between you and me, I thought we were finally growing something together. How could you? I loved you". "Love, is that what it was? I was only being a gentleman. I didn't grow feelings for you. Whatever you thought we were growing" he let out a sigh "You were growing it by yourself, Mrs Landor". Dallia felt a deep crack on her heart she let out a tear." You must have atleast felt something.". His silence spoke numbers. She took a seconds to compose herself and exhaled deeply and then " I am a fool for believing what I saw before I verified it. Dispose of me when you feel Mr Landor. You may leave now". "Gladly "he said as Lincoln left the room and closed the door behind him.
Dallia hit her head on the headrest of the bed for she did not know whether to cry or get angry. She would just let out a sigh and some tear drops.

After a few hours Priscilla brought something for Dallia something to eat. It was chicken and Irish potato stew severed with fine rice, her favorite dish but she had no feeling for it. She eat and toke her medication. She sat down next to her window and began to write a letter. Catherine brought a letter to Dallia. The letter was from Sir Martin Siren. He had invited her and Lincoln to a party that his wife had organized.
"Give the other invite to the master. Let him choose what he wants to do" a disclaimed Dallia said. Two nights went over, Dallia was still weak and was trying to make her way to the garden outside. She was hold onto the ream of the stairwell and she had only walked down 5 steps and already started feeling light headed. Lincoln was standing at the doorway and had just come back from wherever he was from. Dallia couldn't see the next step clear and nearly fell. "Dallia" Lincoln rushed to hold her "where are you going?" He asked as though cared(or at least that's what Dallia thought)"The garden" Dallia mumbled. Lincoln held on to her and led her to the garden. He placed on a chair and asked if she was comfortable to which she nodded. Lincoln left her be alone and he felt bad for a reason unknown

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2023 ⏰

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