Chapter one

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Edited to chapter 5

Izukus pov

"Mmm" I groan as I crack my neck getting up from bed, my body sore as fuck right now and I don't even know why. I sighed to myself already done with the day and it ain't even begun yet.

Walking to my closet I search for something comfortable but cute to wear. This shit should be called Narnia with how much clothes I got in here but I can't be fucked to clean it imma just get lazy and give up mid way leaving my room a mess so imma have to come back to that sometime later.

Anyways I grab my clothes which is just a cotton black turtle neck crop top and some black biker shorts. I get to the bathroom running my bath throwing in the bubble bath solution going for a lavender scent today pouring a little cocoa scented oil in there and some epsom salt. After that I grab the lotions and things imma put on after I get out sitting on my bath stand before grabbing a bath bomb throwing it in the water before turning the tap off.

I take off my clothes hooking my phone up to my Bluetooth and play one of my play list clicking on a random one cause all my shit sound good anyways.

I dip my toe in the water testing out the temperature hissing a little bit cause the water was hotter than I thought but I knew it was gone feel good anyways so I got in adjusting myself to the heat before relaxing.

I had at MAX a hour or so for just soaking a relaxing cause self care is the best care. And then maybe an hour and a half for my morning routine before my mama call me down for breakfast. I shake my head this why I set my alarm for 6:30 on a school day even though I ain't gotta be there till 9.

I grab my facial cleanser after running a hot towel over my face getting any oils out of my pores. I massage the facial cleanse into my face making sure to mask my face with it before closing my eyes to relax for about ten minutes, after that I rinse my face before grabbing my bath sponge grabbing my Cocoa and Honey scented body wash squeezing way more than I needed to on the sponge before sitting it down and washing my body.

This shit just smell so good I love the smell of cocoa it's just something about it.

After washing up and soaking for another thirty minute I let the water drain before rinsing my self in the shower stepping out and drying myself off.

I grab my cocoa butter lotions rubbing it all over me including my face before grabbing my AquaBlance bonfire body mist spraying it all over me before putting my clothes on and spraying it all over them too.

(that's my favorite body mist that shit smell so good, and not 400+ words of part of my self care routine 😂😂)

I walk towards my mirror putting on some lipgloss and a little mascara to bring out my eyes tying it all together by adding black eyeliner to make my emerald eyes pop and my pouty lips to shine and grin in the mirror showing my pointy K-9's.

"Damn why am I so fine?" I shake my head laughing to myself as I slip on my black bubble slides. I turn my body so I can see my ass. I suck my teeth "and my ass got got bigger, got me feeling like that Lizzo song, pretty face and real nice figure. Tuh I be cracking myself up...anyways." I bounce a little before taking my ass out the bathroom before I start giving myself a show.

Just as I'm grabbing my bag with all my shit in there(perfume lipgloss charger airpods headphones cards etc) I hear my mama scream "Izuku! Get yo ass down here and eat I'm tired of hearing you talking about yo ass in the morning you thick we get it...damn" I can hear the shake of her head and that just cracks me up more.

I laugh loud walking down the stairs "ma ion know what you acting like this for I got this from you and I know I'm thick I just gotta remind myself everyday just like I have to look in the mirror and tell myself I'm a bad bitch, self awareness is just a good thing to have" I say with a cheeky grin making my mama roll her eyes with a smile of her own.

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