Chapter Two

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Millie sighed in pleasure as she sprawled on her back on the cool carpet of grass in the shade of the ancient oak tree, her chestnut hair fanning out above her head like a halo. Sumner had led her to the edge of town and up to the crest of a hill crowned with a single tree.

Millie closed her eyes and listened to the sounds of nature around her. She heard the twitter and singing of songbirds, the chatter of squirrels as the fought over nuts, the sound of the slight breeze rustling the leaves overhead, and even the trickle of a steam nearby.

Sumner sat at the base of the tree, leaning against the trunk. He watched Millie as she lay silently, listening, and smiled.

He lifted his gaze and looked out across the miles and miles of Farlen Forest and Deppon Valley that spread out in all directions around Carver. To the South was Farlen Forest, stopping just a kilometer from the south wall. It continued on for many kilometers and spread into the Southeast. Farlen is very dense and can become very dark where the intertwined branches of the ancient trees form an impenetrable roof above the forest floor. Only here and there can patches of gold, white or blue be seen.

Some even say that Farlen is haunted, but Sumner didn't believe that.

In the far East was the Akaire(Ah-Ky-Ree) Mountains. They soared up for miles, some peaks even disappearing into the clouds. Pine trees, bramble, and grouse dotted the slopped sides. Other slopes were so sheer only the strong-clinging Teeter Vine could grow on it.

To the Northwest was another forest, this one much smaller, that people sometimes call Little Farlen since it is an offspring from Farlen Forest. Its official name, though, is Castar Woods. The trees in Castar are must smaller and farther appart than the ones in Farlen. 

Castar is very bright with much undergrowth, making it much more favorable for hunters and gatherers than Farlen Forest. Some of the kingdom's best and juiciest berries can be found in Castar.

Many farms dotted Deppon Valley, with its fertile soil. The green, luscious carpet grass makes good grazing for sheep and cattle herders. From his perch on the hill, Sumner could make out the small dots of cows, horse, and sheep in the distance. The sheep were being herded by their shepherd and Sumner caught flashes of brown, black and white as the shepherd's collie darted this way and that, keeping the sheep in line.

To the East, almost hidden behind an arm of trees, was Deppon Lake. On the calmest of days, its surface reflected the world like a giant's mirror.

Sumner heard Millie stir and glanced down at her. She sat up and stretched her arms above her head, like she'd been asleep. Turns out, she had.

"Sorry, I dozed off." Millie admitted sheepishly. Sumner chuckled.

"No problem, I didn't even notice."


The two sat in silence for a moment, Then Sumner patted the ground beside him, a gesture of invitation to Millie. She scooted back until she sat beside him, wrapping her arms around her knees.

"So, you want to know about Dragons. “Sumner said more as a question than a statement. Millie nodded.


Sumner went silent. He reached up and scratched his chin. "Uh....where to start...."

"Well, you could always start at the beginning." Millie suggested. Sumner glared sideways at her.

"Thanks, very helpful. There really is no ‘beginning’, as you phrased it."

Millie laughed. "Just start with what comes to mind. Order doesn't matter." Sumner nodded.

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