Chapter Six

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Millie grumbled and huffed as she trudged her way through the seemingly endless and inseparable undergrowth."Ugh! This is so annoying!" She plopped down on an old log that was starting to rot so she sank into it a little. Millie wrinkled her nose, but was too frustrated to move.

She shrugged off her pack and set it down heavily. Her Scavenger Dragon gave her a questioning chirp. Her dragon was green and she'd given it the name Ivy.

Millie glared at the Ivy."Oh, what, now you like me? Why not earlier? Huh? HUH?" Ivy shrunk away. If it had noticable ears, Millie was sure they'd be flattened.

Millie sighed, rubbing her temples."I....I'm sorry." Ivy crept closer, giving her a slight nudge of the nose. Millie smiled faintly. "Thanks." She reached over to stroke it, but it scampered away. Millie sighed again.  She leaned back against a tree trunk, wondering if the others were having it as hard with their dragons. Probably not. Especially not Sumner. He probably had a magic touch with them.

Millie couldn't understand it. Why did every other animal love her, but one of most important animals absolutely despised her? Well, maybe that was going a bit too far, but Ivy certainly didn't enjoy being in her company.

Millie's eyes snapped open and glanced around in the growing darkness. A rumbling sound seemed to be echoing through the trees. It was getting louder by the second. It was scaring Ivy out of her wits. She was shaking so much her scales were clacking.

"Wh-what is that?" Millie asked nobody in particular. She gulped, wrapping her hand around the hilt of her sword in her belt. The ground shook like a giant was walking through the woods, causing the leaves and branches to quiver. Dead leaves and twig fell to the ground.

A flash of white past by the corner of her eye and she whirled about, drawing her sword. Her hands shook as she held it in front of her body.

A loud growl burst from between the trees accompanied by a hot gush of smelly wind. It smelled like sulfur and burnt meat.

Ivy made a sound like a frightened mewl and crawled up inside of Millie's cloak, clinging to her back.

"It's o-ok." Millie assured the little creature, though her voice shook and her heart pounded in her chest. Her palms were sweating, but she dared not remove her hands from her sword to wipe them off.

Millie almost fainted when the giant head of a pure white dragon appeared before her. Its eyes were   golden and glinted with anger. The white scales that covered its body seemed to glow and flicker in the dark like stars.

It roared, sending her hair and cloak completely horizontal. Millie whimpered, her sword clattering to the ground as her shaking hands could no longer hold onto it.

The majestic dragon stomped toward her, trembling the ground like an earthquake. Its large mouth opened wide, showing off its spear-like teeth and bright pink tongue. Flames flickered at the back of its throat. Millie screamed so loudly it felt like her throat was being torn out. She only had enough time to think, what a way to die, before the flames erupted from the dragon's jaws.



Sumner woke to a strange sound. He started to sit up when he realized there were other people in the room besides Malcolm and Parker. He changed his action of sitting up into turning onto his side. Sumner made sure that he kept his breathing even so as not to alarm the person of his awake.

Sumner's heart raced in his chest. Were they thieves? Of course they were. Why else would they be sneaking into a stranger's room at night. And why hadn't the dragon's made any noise to alarm them of the strange men's approach? A horrible thought dawned on Sumner. The dragons! They were stealing the dragons.

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