Chapter Seven

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A thought had been nagging Sumner: Why did the thief's knife have poison on it?

That fact didn't make any sense to him. No ordinary thief needed a poisoned knife with him. Had they had another intention in mind beside thievery? Sumner shook his head. No, that is ridiculous, he thought to himself sternly. He was just kidding with himself.

Suddenly he felt a wavy of dizziness and tripped, falling onto his knees, jolting his wounded arm. He hissed through his gritted teeth in pain.

Parker, who had been teasing Malcolm on one thing or another, knelt beside him, placing his hand on Sumner's back. "Are you ok?" This wasn't the first time Sumner had fallen down since they left the inn.

Sumner help up one hand to indicate that he was fine, and knelt there, waiting for the dizziness to pass. A minute later it did and he stood up with Parker. Parker's brow was creased with worry. It surprised Sumner how serious this joker could be.

"Don't worry." Sumner said, speaking to Parker, Malcolm and Buddy. Malcolm was frowning.

"Are you sure we shouldn't stop for a while. You don't look so well." His dragon chattered in agreement.

Sumner shook his head. "No, I told you, I'm fine. Besides, Hunter said it would pass didn't he?" Even though Parker and Malcolm knew the cloaked man had said just that, they still looked dubious, exchanging a glance. 

Unexpectedly, the two dropped to the ground right where they stood, crossing their legs. Sumner, blinked, staring at the in surprise. "Huh?"

Malcolm gazed up at Sumner."We are not moving from this spot until you are feeling better. Right, Parker?" He added. Parker nodded.

"Yup." He crossed his arms in a final way.

"But that could be days!" Sumner exclaimed in exasperation.

"We don't care. You just need to take care of yourself."Parker replied. "Yes, the Apprenticeship Test is important-- more than important--but it doesn't mean you should kill yourself over it. That would do you much good."

Sumner sighed, giving in. "Fine, I'll stay here for a little while. Only a short while, ok?" The two nodded.

"Sure thing. Now sit!" Parker yanked Sumner down beside him.

"Ow....."Sumner muttered, rubbing his backside. Parker laughed.

"If you'd just sat down like we told you, then I wouldn't have had to do that." Sumner just glared at him, slipping off his pack. Buddy crawled down into his lap and he automatically went to stroke him.  Sumner had to admit it felt good to rest, though he obviously wouldn't tell them that, or Parker might start pointing out over and over how he had been right. Sumner found it surprising that Parker seemed to be so predictable.

He found himself once more thinking about Ashlee, wondering where she was, if she could figure out her clue, if she was unhurt.....

If her dragon made her nervous. Sumner found himself chuckling. Ashlee was certainly not the most courageous person in the world, that was for sure.

"There you go again, laughing mysteriously for no reason again." Parker pointed out. "You did the same thing yesterday. What are you thinking about?" He urged Sumner. Sumner leaded back on his hands, gazing up at the bright blue sky above, flecked with white here and there. "Oh, just a friend of mine."He smiled faintly.

"Ooooh....."Parker got a glint in his eyes. "Is this friend a girl, perhaps?"

Sumner nodded. "Why?" 

"Oh, nothing...." Parker grinned devilishly.

"Parker..."Malcolm warned.

Sumner suddenly realize what Parker was getting at. Blush bloomed across him face. "No! No, it's not like that!" Parker snickered.

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