Chapter Three

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Millie and Sumner made their way back down the hill and toward town square. Many people were already gathered there, milling around the vendors that lined the edges of the square. In the center there was a platform constructed from wood about four meters tall, three meters wide, and six meters long. Standing at the edge of the platform on the stairs, the speaker, Dean Fills, an older man with one powerful set of lungs, was speaking with Vladimir Norton and Rejent Baron.

Sumner's heart leaped into his throat when he spotted them. Grabbing Millie's arm, he ducked behind a vendor. He felt the need to hide from them, but he wasn't sure why.

"What's the matter?" Millie asked, yanking her arm out of Sumner's grasp, a little annoyed. He'd made her hit her shin on the corner of the vendor, and it hurt.

"Look!" Sumner pointed, peeking around the side of the stall. Millie followed his finger and finally saw what he was looking at.

"Isn't that Vladimir Norton, the Dragon Tamer?" She asked. She studied the man curiously. He had his silver hair swept back from his face and his ice blue eyes seem to miss nothing. His beard was trimmed neatly and short. Underneath his long, hooded dark blue cloak, Vladimir wore a fine brown tunic belted at the waist and polished leather boots. Rejent Baron stood beside him. It was said that he and Vladimir were good friends and had grown up together, but Millie didn't know if it was true.

Regent had donned a similar cloak, but this one red, over a shirt of chain link. He had his long grey and brown hair held back with a leather thong.

Sumner nodded. "Yes, and that's Rejent Baron beside him."

“I know that, Sumner.” Millie said, still irritated.

Rejent and Baron finished talking with Dean and departed, disappearing into the crowd.

Sumner waited behind the vendor for a few more moments before stepping out into the throng of people again.

"Why did you hide?" Millie asked him, following close beside him. Sumner shrugged.

"I don't know....."

Suddenly he heard a voice calling his name behind him. He turned in time to see Ashlee run headlong into him, knocking the breath out of him.

"Whoa!" He gasped, taking her by the shoulders and pushing her back. "Are you trying to bowl me over?”

Ashlee flushed. "Sorry." She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, fiddling with the end.

Sumner chuckled. He recognized her nervous habit. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her.

"Don't worry, Ash. You'll do great."

Ashlee just nodded, hugging him back.

"Who's that?" She asked, noticing Millie for the first time. She was also wearing the red tunic. 

Sumner dropped his arms from around Ashlee.

"This is Millie. And Millie, this is Ashlee."

Millie smiled, extending her hand. "It’s nice to meet you, Ashlee. Sumner was telling me about Dragons. He has a very vast knowledge of them."

Ashlee laughed."That's Sumner, all right." She shook Millie's outstretched hand.

"Ladies and gentlemen, today is the start of another Apprenticeship Test for the Dragon Tamer and Swordmaster apprentices." Dean had made his way to the center of the platform and had begun addressing the crowd.

"Contestants, please line up in front of the platform."

Sumner patted Ashlee's hand reassuringly and walked forward, Millie not far behind. The crowd parted for them when they saw their red tunics. The trio halted, Millie on Sumner's right and Ashlee on the left. There were six other contestants beside them.

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