Chapter Four

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Sumner hefted his cage up onto a tree stump and shrugged his pack of his shoulder. The dragon inside the cage squeaked, and started rocking it.

"Whoa there, little buddy." Sumner crooned. He removed the cloth that was still draped over the cage. The dragon began squeaking even louder now.

" Hold on, buddy." Sumner said, unlatching the door. The little dragon squeaked loudly and leaped out of the cage, barrelling Sumner to the ground.

"Oof!" He grunted, peeling the creature off his chest.

"Oh...." He murmured as he got his first good look at the Scavenger Dragon.

It's head was narrow  with a long snout. Puffs of smoke curled up out of its nostrils. It had large, curious amber eyes that followed Sumner's every move. They remind Sumner of a kitten's.

The ridges above the dragon's eyes were well pronounced and elegantly curved, giving the creature and even more beautiful and sweet look.

Pale blue scales glistened in the sunlight, casting silvery beams of light everywhere. Oddly enough, the dragon didn't have any spikes on its tail or back.

The little dragon clamored up onto Sumner's shoulder, curling its spike-less tail around his neck for balance, squeaking and tittering in a way similar to a mouse.

It sneezed a fireball, nearly searing off Sumner's ear. The sulfurous smell made his eyes water. " Be careful, little buddy." Sumner said, rubbing his slightly fire burned ear. The dragon fluttered its small wings and blinked at him innocently. Sumner laughed, running his finger underneath its chin. It closed its eyes and purred in pleasure. Sumner smiled. He felt himself becoming attached to this wee creature, even though he knew he shouldn't. He wondered if it had a name......


Sumner nearly jumped out of his skin, and the dragon squealed, flying up a few feet above Sumner's head in fright.

Rustle. Crack! Smack!

What was that noise?

"Ow....." A pained voice said. A boy appeared from the trees, clutching his nose, leave clinging in his hair. His eyes were squinted and watering.

Sumner felt himself relax slightly. It was just one of the contestants. "Um, who are you?" He asked the mysterious boy. The boy seemed to notice him for the first time.

"I'm Parker." He replied, his voice muffled by his hand.

"Sumner. What happen to your nose?" Sumner found himself asking.

Parker blinked. Then he looked down at his hand, quickly dropping it. It revealed a nose with a red stripe across it. "One of the mad branched felt the need to slap me across the face. Apparently, it took joy in it because I swear I heard it laughing."

Sumner smiled. "Maybe it was controlled by one of the ghosts haunting the woods." He wiggled his finger ominously.

Parker's eyes widened."Ghost? Really?" 

Sumner laughed. "Nah, it's just a rumor. No worries"

"You think I'm scared of a ghost?"Parker asked, crossing his arms.

"Ah, no....Are you?"Sumner  was a bit surprised by his reaction.

Parker grinned widely. "No way. Nothing scares the mighty Parker Millings."He struck a muscle flexing pose.

Sumner chuckled. It was then that he noticed something red peeking over Parker's shoulder. Apparently, Sumner's dragon saw it too, because it began to chatter excitedly from its returned perch on his shoulder.

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