Together Again

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TW: Self Harm, and S!mon Cøwell

Liam loved his little sister. I mean of course he loved his dad and step mom, but Harriet and Liam had a bond that could never be broken. Or atleast that was what he thought.

He and Harriet had grown apart in these few years after he had joined the band, and Liam often felt bad that he didn't try harder for them to spend time together, but when you have a manager like TW: S!mon Cøwell,, it gets hard to have your opinions heard.

But that is all changing. The boys just finished the Take Me Home Tour, and would have the summer mostly off, in a huge beach house somewhere in the US, where they could have a private life for a few months.

Liam hoped that Harriet would be able to visit over the summer, but little did he know, Harriet was struggling, Harriet was trying to figure out where HE belonged, and HE had figured out HE was a boy, transgender, but he didn't know what to do next, and it was messing with his mental health, he was struggling and quickly going down hill.

The boys arrived at the beach house and were again amazed by the sheer size of it. Of course they had seen pictures but nothing compares to in person. "Whoa!" Niall finally says looking around in awe. "Yeah, it's huge!" Says Liam, and without even hesitating, Zayn and Louis yell out at the same time, "THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!" Before doubling over in laughter while Niall let out a snort.

They all got settled, and like always, they fought over rooms. "Zaynnnnnn please I need this room, it's closest to the kitchen, where the foooooood is, I neeeeeed food." Niall whined while on the floor holding Zayn's leg. Zayn just sighed and moved on to the next open room while Niall did a happy leprechaun dance.

Meanwhile Louis and Liam were play fighting to see who would get the bigger bedroom, even though they are all basically the same and there are like 10 rooms, for visitors.

While Louis was shorter then Liam, they were about as strong as eachother, and so they continued to roll around on the floor until finally they were both too out of breath to continue. "Fine fine, Lou you can have the bedroom, I know you'll only fight me til the day I die, so it's yours." Liam finally exclaims as Louis gives him a smirk, "Alright Payno, finally learned not to mess with me!" Lou says, trying his hardest not to burst out laughing.

"Okay okay, I'm done, let's get settled, it is our home for a few months." Louis says and he heads into his newly claimed room.

Meanwhile on the otherside of the world, Anne had just found one of the most horrible sights of her life. She had walked into the bathroom to find her daughter bleeding from her own self-inflicted injuries, and it brought tears to her eyes.

In Anne's eyes, Harriet was perfect, and Harriet was scared, knowing it might disappoint her mother, since Anne struggled through her pregnancy, and had always wanted a daughter. Harriet felt so guilty, just for his messed up mind, he took a blade to his skin, and of course his mother had to come home early and see him.

While Anne, who is a nurse, bandaged him up, Harriet told his mother it was really just stress, from having to pack for collage and the stress of having a famous brother. Another lie, again and again Harriet lies... Anne is now so concerned, she decides it would be best if her daughter got away from it all, away from choices of collage and the paparazzi, so she calls Liam.

Liam picks up, and is a little surprised Anne is calling him. "Hi Anne, how are you?" Liam asks, and can already tell the answer when he hears the somber tone in her voice. "Oh Liam it is good to hear your voice, listen, I think your sister needs to come stay with you for a bit," Anne says and then explain the situation which brings tears to Liam's eyes, and he can't help but feel responsible for what happened to Harriet. He immediately agrees, and calls TW: S!mon Cøwell to ask if that's alright. Liam explains the conversation, and somehow he agrees with Liam and is alright with that????

Now for the hard part, he has to explain, A. That his younger sister is staying with them and B. That he can't tell them why, or why their siblings can't stay the whole time, and C. They've never met her, and she is fragile.

Hey guys, hope you like my new story, yes Harry is trans in this story, but I just want to let you know, my best friend is Trans, he is amazing and I've been through like his whole journey with him, but if you are Trans and something in the story is not right, please please please correct me, I am not Trans so if I say or rather write something wrong please inform me, thank you loves!!!

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