The Boys 💙

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Harry was exceptionally nervous. He had never really spent more then 20 minutes in the same room as them, let alone talk to them more then the occasional 'hi' when they passed eachother in the same room. But Harry did know one thing, Louis was exceptionally hot. He was quite an attractive lad and Harry couldn't help but feel nervous to live with him for a few months.

Liam pulled into the driveway and they both hopped out. Liam being the gentleman he was grabbed Harriet's stuff and lead her up to the door. "Okay so just to warn you they might be a little much at first, but I promise they'll get over the excitement real quick, Jesus I sound like I'm talking about puppies!" Liam says chuckling after letting Harry know about the boys.

"It's fine, Liam I'll be fine I'm not that fragile ya'know?" Liam just sighed realizing that his little sister is all grown up after all, and he was barley there to see it. "Alright I did warn you!"

Liam laughs mischievously before typing the pass code in and kicking the door open. Before Harry had even taken 2 step into the door he was instantly surrounded by 3 curious boys.

"Hi!!!!!!!" Niall basically yells before seeing Liam glaring at him from Harry and backing away, "I mean, hi Harriet sorry for yelling." Harry just laughs it off and says hello to Niall.

"Hi Harriet, I'm Zayn but I'm sure you already know that, welcome to our humble abode!" "Hi Zayn thank you so much, I'm glad to visit, Liam's told me all about you guys, all good things of course."

Louis stands a little farther back just taking the whole scene in. He had thought that Harriet was pretty cute the first time they met a few years ago, but Harriet had definitely grown up into an amazing and beautiful woman. "Hi love welcome to your home away from home!"

Harry blushes at Louis' comment and just thanks them all for letting her stay. "C'mon sis, I'll show you to your room, it's right by mine, and then one of the boys can give you a tour of the house since I'm going to run out and get us dinner, sound good?"

"I WILL, *cough,* uhm I mean sure I'll show you around curly." Louis says stumbling over his words hoping what he said came out cool and not completely desperate sounding.

Liam shoots him a glare behind Harry's back and mouths, "I told you no flirting you little shit" but stops quick when Harry turns around.

Harry smiles at Louis and then follows Liam to his room. Looking around he already loves it, his walls are light blue with his favorite footie posters up and a big closet. "Oh Liam I love it you're so amazing, I love you so much!"

Harry blinked away his tears not expecting Liam to remember his specific favorite color, or that he would remember Harry's favorite moments, when the whole family would sit around yelling at the telly as a big footie match was on. It was an overwhelming feeling after feeling forgotten these past few months.

Liam just imbraces Harriet and kisses the top of her mop of curls. "Oh uhm Liam I need to pick up my medication tomorrow, can I leave by myself or..."

Liam goes to ask questions but is cut off by Harry's look and decides not to ask questions. "Uhm I'll have our driver take you tomorrow you aren't really supposed to leave the house by yourself sorry."

Harry sighs but really isn't surprised by this since the boys are world famous security has to be strict, but he was wishing he could pick up his prescription in private. "Okay Liam, thank you so much for putting this room together for me, but I'm going to go get a tour from Louis now, thank you so much!!"

"Okay, Love you Harriet, I'm gonna run out and get dinner now, I'll be back in a bit!" Liam pulls Harriet in for a tighter hug before leaving her room and heading out the door.

Harry sets his bags down and slips out of the room to find Louis. Harry peaks in the living room, not there, the kitchen he saw when he walked in, not there. He sees Niall in the kitchen muching on something though. "Hey Harriet, how'd you like your new room, Liam wouldn't let anyone other then him touch it, said it had to be perfect for his little sister!" Niall says with a mouth full of whatever he was eating.

"Awww that's so sweet, and I love it, Niall, Liam did a great job, but I have a question for you," Niall pauses and nods, "Where is Louis he's supposed to give me a tour but I don't know where he is?"

Niall nods and gives Harry directions to his room, he arrives there and sees a big bold 'Louis' written in what looks like sharpie across the door. Harry knocked in his own little rhythm, before a freshly showered Louis opened the door, brushing his wet hair out of his eyes.

"Oh, hey Harriet, you ready for that tour I promised I presume?" Louis says opening his door all the way and stepping into the hall and leading the way. "So I know you know where Liam's room is, and of course here's mine, but next to mine is Zayn's room and in the hallway with you guys is Niall's room." Louis explains as he walks Harriet down the hallway, put to the kitchen then pointing to Harry's hallway.

"Downstairs if you'd follow me is our indoor gym, sauna, and game room," Louis explains with Harry following him, "and in the game room we have video games and a pool table. This is also a cool spot to watch a film whenever."

Louis walks back upstairs with Harry still following close behind soaking the large house in.

"In here we have our home music studio, feel free to use it, we only use it when we need to practice considering that we have a separate studio we record in." Louis says leading Harry to a sound proof room with foggy glass walls. The room was full of instruments and sound equipment. Harry loved to sing, and he couldn't wait to use this room.

After walking back to the kitchen and through the living room Louis turns to look at Harry before saying, "Well uhm, that's basically it, oh we do have a big backyard with a pool I'll show you on a nicer day Harriet," Harry hadn't even realized it started raining for he was too transfixed on how absolutely gorgeous Louis was, and was struggling to figure out how he was going to manage to live with Louis for a few months without drooling every time he saw him.

"Thanks for showing me around Louis! I really appreciate you doing this, I was worried about staying here, but after meeting you and the other lads I think I'll be just fine!" Harry says taking in the whole tour and realizing that this summer could be fun, but behind all the excitement, there was a lingering anxiety that Harry had, wondering how Liam and his mother and step-father would react if Harry came out as Trans.

"Of course, I was glad to show you around Harriet! Between you and me though, Liam's been stressing about you coming, he wanted everything to be perfect for when you got here, he really loves you Harriet, and I'm glad to meet the person he cares for so much. I think it's gonna be a fun summer with you around!" Louis says with a wink and a smirk before brushing by Harry ever so slightly touching him, causing shivers to go down his spine. Harry turns and watches Louis leave realizing that living with Louis is going to be harder then he thought!

Hey my amazing readers! So sorry I've been gone, I posted on my page why I've been gone, sorry! But in good news, I have a boyfriend!! I'm so happy he's so nice and sweet! Hope you like this chapter. Stay safe, stay healthy, stay happy, love you all💙💚💙💚💙💚💙💚💙💚💙💚💙💚💙💚

Love the Real Me?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora