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Hey so just some trigger warnings, and peoples ages!!!

TWs include:

Self Harm

Talk of Suicide

Unsafe binding (please only safely bind)

S!mon Cøwell

Let me know if anything else in the story as you read should be here

Liam and Harriet (Harry) are 2 years apart, Louis is the same age as Liam, and Zayn and Niall are the same age, a year older than Harry.

Harry is 18

Niall is 19

Zayn is 19

Louis is 20

Liam is 20

Kinda imagine fetus Harry with long hair for Harriet<3

This story will contain smut at some point you have been warned.

I know this isn't accurate to their age gaps, but this is fiction, (but larry is real)

Again, my Trans friends, please only ever practice safe binding, only medical grade binder, and never sleep or exercise in them please stay safe, love you all!!!!

Love the Real Me?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora