The Cruel World

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Cody pov:

The girl had really light, almost white but still a little blonde hair in a messy bun. She had eyeliner on as well as green eyeshadow and purple lipstick. She had a green sweater with white shirt underneath. She also wore a long black skirt with purple socks and black leather boots. She was really pretty... She walked towards me and bowed a little
-hello- Her voice were gentle and soft but also really femine.
-hi, did you bring these flowers?- I pointed at the flowers as she noded. Who is she? -May I ask, who are you?-
-Oh sorry for not introducing myself- she bowed a little again -My name is Dawn, I am Noah's friend but I don't live in america, I visited him after what have happend- she said with her gentle and soft voice
-I didn't know he had any different female friend who are not freaks... I mean are not different from the standart- she chuckled and looked at me
-I am non binary sir so I am not his female friend-
-oh sorry...- I looked at Noah, she did the same
-His mom will be in jail If he won't surivive-
-But he will survive- I said without even looking at the girl -He is strong and He've survived a lot, he will survive that too, I know him.-
-I know him too and he is not that strong as he seems to be...- she answered, it really pissed me off, Noah ìs strong! He will survive that!
-but he will survive that. He won't just leave me here all alone! He won't!- but voice got shaky as she putted her hand on my shoulder
-calm down, your bad energy is affects his-
-what?...- a confussion could be heard in my voice
-bad energy? Aura?- So she believes in this all spiritual thing? Kinda cute tbh, I am sure she is doing tarot.
-oh, I get it now- I looked back at Noah. He looked so calm but yet so... scary... he was still pale, slow beebs were coming from the heart monitor. His heart were beating but really slowly... what If this will stop again? He can't die right? He won't die... right? I slowly grabbed his hand as Dawn did let go of mine shoulder. Tears startes to form in my eyes as I looked at him. He was still very pretty... he has always been pretty to be honest.... After sitting there, looking at him and talking to him the nurse came in
-I am so sorry sir but the visiting time is over- I looked at her, you could see the worry on her face as the other nurse walked in
-yeah... sorry... I'll.. leave..- I stood up, picked up my backpack and left the room. I just stood there as I heard the convarstation of nurses
-He is such a young boy, his poor sould had gone thourght a lot-
-I know right, If he wasn't a Sterecra we would propably already cut his off these all mechines-
-yeah, his dad is pretty rich so we will be able to finally go on a vacation maybe-
-yeah, whole money goes to the doctor-
-well maybe yes but the doctor likes me so you know- then I walked away, not listening the rest of this disgusting shit. This world is so cruel, I wish healthcare would be free... Like in some countries in europe, when you go to hospital If there is no surgery you won't pay for it. When I got home it was dark outside, I walked into the house as Oliver ran up to me and hugged me
-hey little guy, what happend?-
-mommy won't unlock her door!- his voice were shaky, I had the darkest thoughs in my mind -And I am huuungry-
-alright so maybe order some McDonalds for us both and I'll pay for it when they deliver it, alright?-
-mhm- he did let go of me and went to his room. I walked towards our mom room and knocked onto the door
-mom? It's me, Cody! Are you there?- I knocked louder, no answer. My hands started to shake as I held the handle and started break down the door. When I did it and got in finally I saw something traumatizing, my own mom, were hanging on a rope under the celling. I quickly grabbed scissors and started cutting the rope, trying not to scream not to make Oliver afraid. I called the ambulance and while talking to the oparator I cutted to rope around her neck. She wasn't breathing and her heart stopped. I cries as quiet as I could, then Oliver came down. I saw the look on his face. He was shocked, his eyes showed everything. I walked towards him and kneeld down
-listen, go to your room Oliver, mom is breathing, she is alive. I promise you that- he then ran upstairs crying. Living me with mess in my mind. This all what has happend in my life. Noah, my mom, Sierra, School, Bullies just like world hates me. I couldn't do anything. My parents are dead, my brother is traumatized, the person I love is dying in the hospital. I can do nothing. I don't remember much for the rest of the day. I don't remember the rest of the weekend, except visiting Noah and sending Oliver to our aunt... I couldn't help him If I can't help myself. I didn't know what will happend to me... Will anyone help me?... One thing, one bright light were there, Zoey. She helped me throught all of this things. On the monday after school she came over at my place to help me with everything and make sure I am alright. -Fucking life, I hate it. I just want this hell to end- Tears were forming in mý eyes as Zoey grabbed my hand
-hey, Cody calm down, it will come to an end-
-It seems like it won't-
-But it will, no matter what will happend I am here for you, I'll always be there- she looked into my eyes, she had pretty brown eyes, but not the romantic way of pretty, the friend way of pretty -I can move in for the "heal time", to you know, help you with your mentall health and all- she smilied warmly, I sqeezed her hand tightly as tears were falling down my cheeks
-please... I can't stay alone now- I was choking in tears, she didn't judge
-let it all out Cody- she started to move her thumb on my hand -it will help you, just let it all out- Her voice were so calm, so soft, so calming and comforting.

(I am going with multikill! HA! Also I am thinking about writting a book about my whole "au" [I mean headcanons and all] in Total Drama because there are characters like Dawn, Zoey, Emma, Scott, Trent, Duncan and more with really interesting life in my "au" but I can't really put them there, please tell me what do ya'll think about it, I really care about your opinion, even 1 person who will read this, I will write it for you to make you happy)
(Bye, love ya'll ♥︎)

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