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Noah pov:

As I went back home I saw my dad in the kitchen. Cooking something and my sibling, Bruno, Miriam and Natalie in the living room

-Hi lil bro!- Bruno yelled. Everytime he talks it makes me cringe.

-hi...- I went upstairs. I picked some random book and started reading it. It was about a girl who woke up in a different world and didn't know what to do about it so just went to explore, then it turned out she is the only one left there from alive people. And before I could finish the book I realized I have to get going to meet Cody. I wonder why he want to meet me? Like Cody is not a type of person who talks about some random shit so it must be important to him. Maybe he will say that he don't really like me and it was a joke to be friends with me so I would open up to him? Or he will say he is in love with me? I am not ready for love, I am still recovering from Emma. I would feel like he would cheat on my everytime he is out without me and I don't want to he toxic towards anyone.

I was overthinking this meeting a lot. When I opened my drawer which used to be locked and saw all old stuff. Razors and all, I also saw a pack of cigarettes.

-they must he the reason of weird feeling in my lungs-

I took the pack out of drawer and closed it, hiding the pack in my hoodie pocket and leaving my room with headphones on where I saw my dad who was on the phone. I don't know why but I wanted to tell him where I was going so I waited for him to end the call. I heard nothing as I still had my headphones on and when he ended his call I took them off, Bruno Mars could be heard from them. As he looked at me I begin to speak

-uh... I am going out with a friend dad, I'll be back before midnight- he just noded and smilied warmly as I started putting on my shoes. Then I heard a basketball falling down the stairs and felt it hitting back of my head


I turned around to him, getting ready to argue as I saw a genuie worry in his face

-gosh ya alrigh' lil bro?- he grabbed back of my head as I looked at him shocked

-yeah...- as he let go of me I left the house. Wondering why everyone is so nice to me now. Then I saw Cody's old house, someone has already moved into it. I wonder who it is, I just hope not a weird like this Rosa girl, she is actually pretty nice. As I left the neighborhood I live in I took out the cigarettes pack and took out a lighter, litting it up. The feeling I got addicted to came back to me in a second. It was nice but also weird at the same time. As I got to the park the fountain we decided to meet next to is in I threw the cigarette out and stepped on it. I took out a mint gums and started chewing them as I walked into the park. I already saw Cody there, in a AC/DC shirt, brown hoodie over it and baggy jeans. He looked really nervous but also somehow handsome like that. He always is making his best to look good but at this moment he looked like a painting for me. I walked slowly to him and gave him a greeting hug. He then pushed me away slightly

-are you smoking again?-
he said. I knew he was angry but the childish expression and his teeth gap is just so cute that I couldn't control my smirk. He still were angry at me but this childish way of being were too cute to not laugh. 

-I'm really sorry my darling- I said flirty in a joking tone, when I saw that he is blushing. Wait is that possible that he likes me too?...

-Since when yours?- he asked, leaning closer to me a little bit as he smirked. His braces make his smile cuter in some way. I could feel blush forming on my face.

-oh... well... I.... uh...- I looked away. My eyes looking around but not at him. I felt my heart beating faster as my hands got sweatier. I didn't know what to say when he broke the silence with his smirk.

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