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TW violence

December 25th

I was helping the elves tidy away the dishes from dinner when Draco came running into the kitchen.

"Your fathers here, asking for you" he said frantically


Does he know?

I made my way to the door with Draco and we acted like I had just been taken from my room.

It was just him the other death eaters weren't there.

"Thank you Draco you may go" he said glaring at me

Draco reluctantly left and went to his mother.

"Was the mission a success?" I asked not knowing what to say

"My followers have failed me" he replied

Great he's in a bad mood.

"16 years" he started

"16 years I haven't had her with me for Christmas" he added


We're doing this again today.

What a way to ruin a perfect day.

"And it's your fault" he continued

He pulled his wand out quickly and pointed it at me.

'Crucio' he yelled and I dropped to the floor my entire body consumed with pain.

He came all the way here to torture his own daughter. Cold.

He stopped and looked at me

"So weak" he tutted before he stupefied my against the wall.

I smashed my nose onto the cold bricks.

I think he broke it.

Why does he insist on doing this to me.

It was out of my control with my mother dying.

He put me under the imperious curse to launch me across the room to the other wall where I crushed my waist on the wall.

I just wanted it to end. Why couldn't I die.

The suffering would end.

Who needs the daughter of the darkest wizard anyway?

All I can feel is the burning in my side as he crucioed me again.

I screamed out in agonising pain.

I was certain Draco and narcissa could hear me.

I didn't want them to.

I didn't want them to hear my pain.

"Get up" he demanded

I slowly pulled myself to stand in front of him.

My arms were clutching my side where I was thrown against the wall.

He slapped my face hard cutting my cheek with his nails.

I felt hot tears rolling down my face.

He threw me against the wall again, I cut my arm as I fell along the wall to the floor again.

He cruicios me again.

How many times does he need to torture his own daughter?

My whole body throbs as I'm laying on the floor in pain.

"16 years because of you!" He yelled

"It's not my fault!" I cried

"Stupid child, you shall pay for every minute you Breathe and she doesn't!" He yelled again

Dark daughter ; Draco x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now