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I cant believe i let those two bitches i call my best friends convince me to move in with them for a few months until my house is finished. I've been staying in hotels for the past few months but it gets old really fast.

ring ring " yeah yeah hold your horses ill be there soon you sure it's ok for me to stay there? i know us 5 are friends but i don't know Nate i don't want to impose"

lily answered back saying " of course he is fine with it you know he cant say no to his best friends and i pulled the puppy dog eyes and pout out on Luca to make sure he let you stay, and Steph  well you know what she's like she gave liam hot dirty sex and he soon followed suit to get Nate to agree" she was laughing.

I laughed she was crazy but Luca was even more crazier about her,he'd do anything she wanted within reason and i was friends with them both i worked for him and was along for the ride of him chasing her before he gave her no choice but to get married to him, she was my age 25 and he was 27 and he wasn't letting her get away she tried to run once and that's when he got her trapped by a contract. I couldn't believe it but what's even more crazy was that she signed well he sent someone with a delivery and she signed without reading and that was that. They've been married for a year now and couldn't be happier even with him possessive ways.Now Stephanie 24 and Liam 27 on the other hand i also worked for Liam and he and Steph where engaged. She was his secretary and the chase for him was on she'd turn him down and he'd be relentless and then she gave in and just like that they was a couple. I have a feeling he'll propose to her soon there's no way he'll let her get away i have no idea why i seem to make friends with posessive dominating guys and females that just seem to give in.

"ok ok ill be there in 20,ill see you soon" i hung up and breathed i hope i don't end up hearing too much sex noises while i'm at the mansion. with Liam and Luca i knew from what the girls told me that was like starving animals wanting sex 24/7 and although i wasn't a prune i hadn't had sex before i didn't mind being a 25 year old virgin i also wasn't waiting for anything in-particular i just didn't want to give to it a jerk and regret it,by the way i talked and acted no one ever even suspected that i was a virgin and i just never corrected them.

i arrived at the mansion and lily and steph came bouncing out the doors."quick lets get your stuff inside the guys are all at work so we can get you unpacked and settled and have a catch up" steph said.

After unpacking we all made our way to the kitchen and steph popped open the wine,she might be a year younger than me and lily but she could be a bossy bitch when she wanted to be.We get settled in the living room and after 2 bottles and laughing away about how fun my stay would be we heard foot steps.

In walked Luca,Liam and i presume the god looking guy was Nate he may look pretty but i have no doubt he was a douche all pretty boys are that's why i stayed away from guys like him they only wanted in your knickers and they would act like they didn't even know you and there was no chance i'd be like one of those desperate girls that chased after a man that used her once and wouldn't give her the time of day afterwards.

I gave Liam and Luca a hug and said how much I've missed them and Nate just looked at me like he was unimpressed i mean i did dress casually in jeans and a vest top but he looked at me like a was disgusting,fuck him. i said hello and thank you for letting me stay and he just shrugged "didnt really have much of a choice"

wtf if he didn't want me in his home he could of said no,i was quite happy staying in hotels the jerk. I smiled and said"i can leave if you'd like i don't want to make you uncomfortable in your home"

Steph jumped it saying " god Rosie don't be so uptight he was just joking wasn't you Nathaniel" she then tapped his shoulder so he'd look up from his phone

"yeah whatever you can stay just don't be messy and no bringing random guys back to my hand if you're going to hook up do it somewhere else" then he walked off before i could reply

what an absolute dick! i wouldn't give him the satisfaction of getting under my skin I've dealt with pricks like him before they love knowing they get to you.  Steph went of with Liam no doubt to shag and lily and Luca slipped of to their room probably doing the same so i went back to my room and decided id have a shower and get into comfy clothes before tea time. i slipped on a matching vest and t short pjs set and chilled out watching films on my laptop.

Making my way down to tea i was the only one in my pjs not that i care because after this id be going straight to bed because i was shattered everyone was still in their clothes from earlier.Nate took a good look of my body the jerk and only looked away once his eyes caught mine,he could dream on there wasn't a chance in high hell that he and me would ever happen.

"so have you found a job yet?" lily asked making all eyes turn to me "you could always come back and work for me" Liam jumped in. They didnt know that i had money they never asked they assumed i was poor because i'd worked for Liam and Luca but really i owned my own tech company and was good at hacking i just liked to get experience and do different things i only worked when i wanted to i was in high demand but i wanted a stress free life.

"Actually i have"i am technically not lying but i dont want to go into it anymore so i just change the subject"what are you guys doing tomorrow?"

Nate scoffed and said "some of us have real jobs that we have to go to" i just rolled my eyes at him i probably had more money than he did, i had inheritance money and i was paid a shit ton of money for doing what i do. I saved company's from cyber attacks not that this dumb fuck would know anything about what i do.

Lily and Steph said they wanted to go shopping so i agreed after alot of persuasion and the snide comment from Nate saying "i bet she doesn't have any money" did he not realize that i was just waiting to move into my own house that i owned it was laughable but i wasn't going to correct him so i just ignored him.once i was finished i said good night and went to bed.

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