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If I said my anger for that jerk had died down I would be lying. I had subtle ways of getting back at him switching the sugar for salt when I knew he'd go to make his morning coffee, turning the temperature up on the dryer so his clothes shrunk, I did petty little things that normally I wouldn't do but I liked seeing his confusion as to why little things kept going wrong and I wasn't going to own up anytime soon.

I have a date tonight I didn't even bother to tell the girls I'd just get the usual does he have money..try get pregnant or marry him then you can be rich like us. I loved my friend but they could be superficial at times and it was grating. I had money I just didn't feel the need to spend it on useless things. Dan had been a client's brother who bumped into me as I was leaving his brothers work he was attractive I couldn't lie but I wasn't about to rush into anything either so we agreed on a dinner date.

Here I was dressed in a simple elegant black dress and heels ,I did minimal make up and put my hair up. I didn't want to put too much effort in but also not enough. I grabbed my purse and headed down knowing id get comments from the girls it was only 7:30pm but he would be here anytime.

Walking down the stairs I knew everyone would be sitting ready for dinner but I just hoped I missed them, unfortunately Lily called out " Rosie is that you, you're abit dressed up for dinner" she didn't let me get a word in before pushing me into the dinning room where everyone else was already sat. All heads snapped up to me including the brutes burning gaze.   " you didn't need to dress up to impress me but I appreciate the effort" Nate said while smirking at me..was he for real like I'd ever dress up for him. I laughed genuinely laughed out loud. His eyes turned to squints he clearly wasn't understanding what was going on so it was my turn to enlighten him.

"Well that was a funny joke but unfortunately for you this (I pointed the whole length of my body) isn't for you. It's for my date." I knew what was coming as soon as I said date. Steph and lily was throwing questions left and right who is he?why didn't you tell us? Where are you going?does he have money? I just rolled my eyes. I didn't miss Luca and Liam turned to Nate raising their eyebrows. Nate's jaw was clenched and his first was tight around his whiskey glass. I knew he wasn't expecting  it and it made me smile more. Take that you prick!

The horn sounded and that was my que,I couldn't help myself throwing a cheeky wink towards everyone "wish me luck" Steph shouted " I hope you get laid you need it" I just laughed and headed out.


What the fuck! To say I was mad wasn't even the word to explain how I felt. What the hell did she mean she was going on a date. I could feel my blood boiling she was beautiful effortlessly beautiful,she looked like she didn't even try to put effort into her appearance and was still breathtaking. I couldn't let her go on the date! God knows what would happen if I didn't stop it.

I abruptly got up from the table with Liam and Luca's eyes still on me and walked at a fast pace trying to stop her but it was too late the car was already driving away."fuck" I grabbedy phone and dialed a number I need you to track this car license plate Nz3Y... Get me the location as fast as you can"

I was in the back of the car while we sat outside some sub-par restaurant I wouldn't come here even if someone paid me. It was small with dim lights it had a few people inside but not many and there she was sat there with some guy. I clenched that much my jaw hurt. She shone out like diamond, my eyes was drawn to her. Her fragile looking wrists and long fingers grabbing her wine, the way her throat made a slight bob when the wine slipped down her throat,god she was perfect. I watched from the car at her laughing and him smiling at her. What did he have that I didn't if anything I was everything he wasn't I was successful,I was good lucking, I had charm. If he thought he was getting my girl he was mistaken. Taking my phone out again I made the call.

As soon as he left the table to go to the toilet Aria would strike.I wasn't one to get my hands physically dirty that's what money was for. Aria texted saying she had him. The plan was Aria would seduce the dude get him in the girls bathroom.. it was only a matter of time before Rosie would see him for the peice of shit he was and then she'd come to me. She got up from the table taking her purse with her heading to the bathroom. I don't know what happened but a few minutes late she came out paid her bill and got a cab. Why wasn't she crying..why didn't she call me yet so I could comfort her.

Ringing aria she said that Rosie simply entered the bathroom and saw her and who she said was Dan making out and she said " don't worry about the bill Dan enjoy your night" they was both shocked Dan went to apologize but Rosie just said " it's fine Dan I only accept to be polite if you've met someone you have a genuine connection with go for it and smiled at us both and left. I hung up, what the hell she didn't even like the guy.. otherwise she'd of been crying. That could only leave one explanation she went to make me jealous. This revaluation sent a shiver through my body and a smile to my face. I knew she wanted me! I was going to play at her own game she needed to accept her feeling for me and there's nothing like a taste of your own medicine.

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