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I couldn't stop laughing here steph was choking on a banana trying to show me and lily how she gives the best blow job. i don't know if it was just because of the alcohol or if it was just hilarious that what she was doing was clearly what liam loved her to do to him, If thats how i would look giving a blow job i'd rather not give one.We was easily 4'5 bottles of wine in and to say i wasn't tipsy would be a lie.

we was laughing and rolling around the floor when suddenly we all froze. what the fuck some one was chuckling and it wasnt one of us it was a mans chuckle we looked up and there all three of them stood. shock is what immediately took over my face especially since i was in a bent over position and they could see my whole ass in this skimpy set the girls made me wear so we all matched i quicly stoof up and nervously smiled saying "hey what are you guys doing back?"

trying to stop the giggles that was coming from us girls i looked towards the guys and liam and luca had this dark dominating aura sweeping over them. the glint in their eyes told me one thing and that was lily and steph was going to get it tonight.

they both charged at the same time swooping the girls into their arms saying good night you'll be needing your earplugs in tonight its going to be a long one and i just laughed i would definitely be hearing all the juicy details tomorrow. i stopped laughing and there Nate was just still stood there looking at me, what was his problem the creep. i decided to grab the last bottle of wine and my glass and retreat to my room i didnt say goodnight and just left.

id been in here for 20 minutes downed the rest of the bottle of wine i brought and i was definately drunk,but i couldnt go to sleep hearing the noises of my 2 best friends get railed all night so i decided to go back to the living room crashing on the sofa would be better than staying and listening to them.

i got back to the living room and grabbed more wine i might aswell i havent let my hair down in so long whats another bottle i was half way through listening to music quietly when Nate plopped down next to me drinking wiskey what did this fucker want.

"what are you doing here?"

"cant i be in my own living room in my own house? or do i need to ask you for permission" nate hissed my way. no idea why this guy has such a problem with me.

"look i didn't mean it that way i was just asking why you hadn't gone to bed already i'm herre because all i can here is them having sex"

"i don't know why i'm here i just fancied a drink" nate sighed

"fair enough, why don't we start over and try to be friends?"i could at least try and be the bigger person and start over and he said "ok"

an hour and a half later we was still sat here drinking he offered me some whiskey which i took and my head was spinning and we was actually laughing we played 21 questions i found out how old he was and we was just genuinely having fun. He told me we could go to his room which was on the other side of the house so i didn't hear those lot having sex and in the moment i thought why not whats the worst that could possibly happen...

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