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ˌ ˈ ˚ ∙ ∗ ︵ ➷ ⋆ TIDES OF LOVE   ˌ ˈ ˚ ∙ ∗ ︵ ➷ ⋆

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ˌ ˈ ˚ ∙ TIDES OF LOVE   ˌ ˈ ˚ ∙

i love the drive. beautiful landscapes, deep blue oceans and healthy green trees.
Steven is driving, belly called shotgun so i was in the backseat with my mum.

"can't do better" by kim petres is on, and belly is singing so loudly i think my friend from australia can hear it.

"So i kill my insecurities.." she sings in a deafening way.
"SHUT UP!!" i yell, hoping she'd hear over the blasting music. she raises one finger at me telling me to shush. looking at my mum for help, she just smiles at me. wow. i go onto my phone and connect the bluetooth to the car. i type "killing me softly
with his song" by the fugees.

"OH YOU CANT DO BET- what happened?"

"Strumming my pain with his fingers. Singing my life with his words. Killing me softly with his song.
Killing me softly with his song. Telling my whole life with his words. Killing me softly with his song.

This is Wyclef, Refugee Camp. Praswell. Lil' Base sittin' up here on the bass. While I'm on this, I got my girl L. One time (one time), one time (one time).
Ayo, L, you know you got the lyrics.

I heard he sang a good song, I heard he had a style.
And so I came to see him, and listen for a while, And there he was, this young boy, stranger to my eyes.

Strumming-" i was cut off by steven turning down the radio.

"Steven what the fuc..fudge!!"i hastily said.
"guys, you have to be more active about washing up. no more leaving dishes in the sink. you're all capable
of doing it yourselves." my mum said in a calm voice. she loved cleaning up, she's always funny about money. considering we don't have much but the fishers do. she wants us to treat it as if it was our home. actually,the beach house WAS our home. all of ours.

"but don't they have like, i don't know. cleaners??" steven suggests trying to persuade our mum in the opposite direction. she couldn't be bothered with him, which i don't blame her for, and rolls her eyes.

"just be good houseguests and act like i raised you right. that means not staying out too late..steven."
"mum! i'm 18 and too old for a curfew!" he argued.
"wait do i have a curfew? mum?" belly asks.
is she serious? "belly don't be silly you don't even go out!" i chuckle.

"well this year is different." she sighs.
"we will talk about it once something comes up, alright belly?" belly nodded, she knew that's the best answer she'd receive.

   ˌ ˈ ˚ ∙ TIDES OF LOVE   ˌ ˈ ˚ ∙

Steven pulls up at russell's.
"don't take long!' he shouts. i get out of the car.
"are you guys coming?" they normally come out with me.
"no it's too hot. get me something though!" she says, squinting her eyes, hand over eyebrows. i scoff and walk in, getting my card out.

cheetos. ✔️
butterfingers ✔️
reese's ✔️

i got everything i needed and walked up to the till.
"this everything?" the boy asks, he looks around 19, and looks like he's fucking tired of the job. i nod.
"are you  new this summer?" why is he interrogating me?
"me? uh no." unless new was coming to cousins beach since you were born 'new this summer', i didnt think i was.
"really! i thought i knew every pretty girl in cousins." he smiled so i smiled back. well his smile was..musty but i tried to not let it bother me as i didnt know what to say in these type of situations.
"are you coming to the bonfire tonight. first of the season, you can't miss it!"
i've never been, i was never old enough, but this year, i think i might.

"yeah! i think so." i reply, trying to match his cheery tone.
"you should totally come! i'll introduce you to some of my friends." he promised.
"well i um better get going now." i mumbled as i swiped my card. he waved.
"cya!" he smirked.

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