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   ˌ ˈ ˚ ∙ ∗ ︵ ➷ ⋆ TIDES OF LOVE   ˌ ˈ ˚ ∙ ∗ ︵ ➷ ⋆

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   ˌ ˈ ˚ ∙ TIDES OF LOVE   ˌ ˈ ˚ ∙

After hours of swimming and belly and i tanning we all laid on the sand, playing truth or dare.

"ok conrad your turn, truth or dare?" Steven asked.
"hm, tr-no dare." he hesitated.
"ok, i dare you too, to hand over your phone to another personwho can send a single text saying anything they want to anyone they want."
Conrad passed his phone to belly.
"Hmm...." i peeked over her shoulder. She typed in Mum.
'Mum. i need to get tested i think i have some chick ghonorrhia.' She was about to press send when..

"Who's that?" Jeremiah questioned. We all turn and see a male figure coming closer. it has to be one of our dads.
"DAD?" Belly calls out. No reply.
"Y/N, i was fucking worried. you didn't call when you arrived. i said call, you surely can't trust those boys!" it was zak. he grabbed my wrist.
"get off me! and no you didn't. how did you know where i was, how did you even get in?" i say fuming.
"bro chill-" jeremiah says. "and get off of her!"

"the fuck are you? i tracked you on find my. i told you not to wear that!" he said through gritted teeth, looking at my black bikini.
"you tracked me??" is he taking the piss. he grabbed my hand hard, dragging me back to the house. Steven and Jeremiah started to walk towards him but belly held him back.
"you're only going to make it worse. Y/N may be the youngest but she knows how to take care of herself." she whispered.

"i'm not going anywhere with you!" i push his hand off of mine.
"don't you DARE speak to her like that and get your hand off of her you asshole!." Jeremiah snapped.

"i'm NOT a bitch. If anything your being a bitch. i've known these boys longer than i've known you, since before nursery. i can trust them more than you. you're being a baby and a manipulative gaslighting blackmailing narc-" I pain went through my cheek. did he just slap me? Tears were forming in my eyes. I know this bitch did not just slap me.

Belly pulled me back.
"let the boys handle this." i shook her hands off
me. i slapped Zak as hard as i could.
"don't you DARE raise your hand at me ever again." I hissed.
I kicked his dick.
"that's for having a tiny dick but a large fucking ego!"i ranted. He fell to his knees, screaming in pain after every blow. begging me to stop.
i kicked him in the face, taking his phone out of his pocket.
"that's for not breaking up with you sooner." i threw his phone deep into the ocean. he quickly got up, limping holding his dick and left, cursing at me. i turn back round, my cheek still red from the slap.

"who up to swim?" i say rejoiced. Everyone ran up to me and hugged me tight. his hand were around my waist and hips, where i felt safe and secure. My eyes were watering but keep it in wouldnt make anything better. I relaxed into someone's arms, releasing all the tension.

"that's why you tell me who your boyfriends are." Steven says.
"bitch you were fan-girling over him 2 seconds ago. behave." i whispered.
I don't think i'll be allowed to date anyone now.
but when have i ever followed the rules?

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