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"do we really have to sit physically for our portraits? can't she just like, look at a picture on her phone or something?" Jeremiah asked. Steven was leaning over him, watching him make eggs.
"okay, get out."

"what why?" steven laughed.
"she needs to see you in the flesh in order to capture your essense. W-while you're still going and full of hope." Mum said, not taking her eyes off of the laptop. All three of us laughed. "her words."

"well, steven does not have hope, actually. He's hopeless." i mutter.
"yep, same with Conrad BUT my hangover smoothie- it cures all." Jeremiah announced.
"while it cure steven, so he's less annoying?"

"can you just please all hurry up?" conrad begged.
"just go back to bed alright?"

"all right, seriously. get out steven." jeremiah pushed him back, getting more serious.

"oh come on!"
"this is a delicate science and your heavy breathing is gonna break the yoke."
"ok ok ok!"

"she hasn't painted you since she was little. i think it'd be nice to have these portraits painted for when you're older." mum went back to the painting topic.

"old. no." jeremiah turned the blender on.
"no when i'm old they're will be like, holograms or something i can watch of myself, you know?" i smiled at mum sarcastically.

"just sit for your portraits! i don't see conrad complaining."
"yeah that's because he's silent for once. you know, he should get drunk more often. it's quite peaceful when he's hungover." i remark.
Jeremiah gives Conrad his smoothie.

"come on man! i can't be late on my first day of work." steven told Jere.
"we won't. we're good!"
"come on man!" Steven slapped Jeremiah's butt. what a freak.
"wait you guys are actually working?" i asked steven.
"yeah, these old country club boomers are gonna top me so hard, man, they won't know what hit 'em!" He did some weird sex action and i think i just gagged.
"oh my gosh. don't do that again." i say, covering my eyes.

"come on y/n." jeremiah looked at me.
"what?" steven looked confused, i don't know why he's acting stupid because that move was fucking revolting.
"my boys gotta get that bread."
"yeah not by seducing old men. do you like dilfs steven?" i question, raising my eyebrows.

"what's a dilf? belly where have you been?" mum asked. thankfully belly walked in just in time. i don't know how i could explain what a 'dilf' is to my mum. "is that a bruise?" my mum was concerned now.

"um, i-i bumped into someone." belly responded.
"you bumped into someone?"

"doesn't look that bad." conrad interfered. where the fuck did he come from? one minute he's laying on the sofa with a banging headache, and next he's saying that belly's noticeable bruise, doesn't look bad? he must be even more fucking hungover that i thought because it does.

"uhh, cereal?" jeremiah asked belly.
"yeah, hit me."

"oh my gosh!" susannah yelled. "i can't believe you're doing the deb ball girls! get dressed. we're going shopping!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2023 ⏰

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