♡Corny Connections- Justin x SB19♡

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Title: Corny Connections: Justin's Jokes Unite SB19

Setting: SB19's practice room

- Justin
- Pablo (Leader)
- Stell
- Ken
- Josh


[The practice room is buzzing with activity. SB19 members are gathered, tuning their instruments and chatting as they prepare for their rehearsal. Justin enters with a mischievous grin, clutching a piece of paper.]

Pablo: (raising an eyebrow) What's got you so excited, Justin?

Justin: (grinning) Oh, just wait, Pablo. I've got something that'll have us all in stitches.

Ken: (smirking) I hope you're not setting us up for another one of your "masterpieces."

Stell: (laughing) Hey, they might be cheesy, but they always make us laugh.

Josh: (playfully) Alright, let's hear it then. Lay it on us, Justin.

*The members gather around Justin, curious and amused.*

Justin: (holding the paper dramatically) Okay, here goes. Why don't scientists trust atoms?

Pablo: (humoring him) I'll bite. Why?

Justin: (grinning) Because they make up everything!

*The room erupts in laughter, with even Pablo cracking a smile.*

*Pablo: (chuckling) Alright, that was good, I'll admit.

Stell: (clapping) Bravo, Justin! Your cheesy jokes strike again.

Ken: (laughing) We should record these reactions next time.

Josh: (grinning) Seriously, your jokes are like a secret weapon, Justin.


*As the weeks go by, Justin's corny jokes become a tradition within SB19's practices.*

Pablo: (preparing for rehearsal) Alright, folks, time to get serious.

Justin: (grinning) Oh, but I've got just the thing to lighten the mood.

Ken: (teasingly) Is it another "classic" of yours?

Justin: (nodding) You bet! Why did the scarecrow win an award?

Stell: (playing along) I'll play along. Why?

Justin: (with a flourish) Because he was outstanding in his field!

*Laughter fills the room, and even Pablo can't help but chuckle.*

Pablo: (smirking) Alright, Justin, your jokes are becoming an essential part of our routine.

Josh: (nodding) Yeah, they're like our secret ritual before we dive into the music.


*The tradition continues, spreading to interviews, social media posts, and even fan interactions.*

Fan: (during a fan meet) Justin, can you bless us with one of your famous jokes?

Justin: (grinning) Of course! What do you call a fish that wears a crown?

Fan: (excited) I don't know, what?

Justin: (playfully) A "king" fish!

*The fans burst into laughter and applause, delighted by the interaction.*


*As SB19's fame soars, their unity remains unshaken, partly thanks to Justin's corny jokes.*

Ken: (reflecting) You know, amidst all the craziness, it's these little moments that keep us grounded.

Stell: (nodding) Justin's jokes remind us not to take ourselves too seriously.

Josh: (smiling) And they've become a way for us to connect with our fans on a different level.

Pablo: (grinning) Who knew cheesy jokes could be so powerful?


*In the end, Justin's corny jokes become a symbol of SB19's camaraderie and the laughter that binds them together.*

*(The scene fades out as the members share a hearty laugh, a testament to their unbreakable bond.)*

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