♡Corny Connections- Justin x SB19♡

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Title: *Corny Connections: Justin's Jokes Unite SB19 (Continuation)*

Setting: SB19's practice room, interview setup, fan meet event

- Justin
- Pablo (Leader)
- Stell
- Ken
- Josh
- Fans


[Scene 1: Practice Room]

*The practice room is bustling as SB19 members settle in for another rehearsal. Justin enters with his usual mischievous smile.*

Stell: (grinning) Oh boy, what do you have for us today, Justin?

Justin: (holding a paper) Prepare yourselves for another dose of corny brilliance. Why did the bicycle fall over?

Ken: (laughing) I'm almost scared to ask. Why?

Justin: (with a flourish) Because it was two-tired!

*The room erupts in laughter, and even Pablo can't help but crack a smile.*

Pablo: (chuckling) You've really got a knack for these, Justin.


Scene 2: Interview Setup

*SB19 is sitting for an interview, and the interviewer decides to bring up Justin's jokes.*

Interviewer: (smiling) Justin, your corny jokes have become quite famous. Care to share one?

Justin: (grinning) Of course! What's brown and sticky?

Interviewer: (playing along) I don't know, what?

Justin: (teasingly) A stick!

*Laughter fills the room, including the interviewer.*

Interviewer: (laughing) I didn't see that one coming!

Stell: (jokingly) Justin's jokes are like a plot twist you never asked for.


[Scene 3: Fan Meet Event]

*SB19 is interacting with excited fans during a meet-and-greet session.*

Fan: (enthusiastically) Justin, can you bless us with one of your famous jokes?

Justin: (grinning) Of course! How do you organize a space party?

Fan: (curious) How?

Justin: (with a wink) You "planet"!

*The fans erupt into laughter and applause, clearly loving the interaction.*

Fan: (laughing) You're the best, Justin!


Scene 4: Reflections

*SB19 gathers for a quiet moment after a successful concert.*

Pablo: (smiling) You know, Justin, your jokes have become a signature part of our journey.

Josh: (nodding) They're like a thread that weaves us together.

Stell: (reflecting) In a way, they're a reminder that we're more than just a group; we're friends who laugh together.

Ken: (grinning) And they've given us a way to connect with fans that's uniquely SB19.


*As SB19 continues to thrive, their camaraderie remains unbreakable, thanks in part to the laughter brought by Justin's corny jokes.*

*(The scene fades out on a shot of SB19 laughing together, symbolizing their strong bond.)*

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