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Dear Diary,

I had a fight with the land lady's daughter a few days ago.

I just came back home after work when Hanni suddenly barged into my small house unannounced. She was so pissed and even complained about a lot of things while pulling my hair and dragging me out of the house.

Hanni told me that her mom keeps on saying that I have good grades and that I always look after their convenience store whenever I have free time.

Hanni actually hates being compared to me all the time.

I know that people have limits. And I guess Hanni has already reached hers. She even tried to convince me to leave and never come back, but I had to fight for my right to stay since I had already paid my rent.

Things went wild after the argument.

Hanni intentionally pushed me away, and I fell to the ground. She then burned some of my things in front of me, including the book Dani had gifted me. I tried to save it since, aside from my life savings that I worked hard for being inside, the book itself is a treasure that I wanted to keep as long as I could. But then, my enemy was too strong. She kept pulling me away whenever I tried to touch my things.

I was really mad at not only her but also at myself because I wasn't able to do anything. But instead of fighting back, I decided to just let go and forgive.

I know you probably think I'm a coward, but I believe violence wouldn't really help me bring back my things.

I locked myself inside my room and didn't come out of it for a few days. I cried a lot during those days while thinking about why life is so unfair.

I even thought about dying, but I asked myself, "Is it really going to be okay if I just hang myself to death?"

Then I came back to my senses.

I haven't even experienced eating inside a fancy restaurant.


I was starving, so I took all the money left in my used pants pocket and ate inside a famous restaurant near home, not thinking about what was going to happen the next day.

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