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To: Daniel Park

Hi, Dani!

It's Liz! Can you still remember me?

How have you been?

I'm glad to see you finally living your dreams!

I came not only to watch your concert but also to personally say "Hi."

But I just realized that there are too many people out here. I don't think I'll have a chance to speak with you. So, I decided to write instead.

You're probably wondering if I'm doing okay, so I'll take this chance to say I have leukemia and I'm dying soon. I didn't tell you about this because I wanted to bug your conscience and/or make you pity me. No... I just can't afford to lie while I'm in this state.

Anyway, I intentionally wrote this letter in my diary not just to let you know that you have never really left my heart but also because you're the person with whom I chose to keep this and the memories I have written on it.

I want to be remembered as a girl who never gave up in life after all the struggles I have dealt with. Someone who accepted the faith that God gave her without any complaints. Well, I'm honestly afraid to die, but this is my destiny that I can no longer stop.

I wish you all the best. And if life gets hard, just remember all the good things that have happened to you. But if you think it isn't enough to make you feel okay, don't be afraid to ask your loved ones for their help. They will never let you down.


All the memories I wrote in this diary are really important to me, but I won't force you to keep it if you don't want to. Please bury this beside my grave instead of throwing it or burning it.

That's all...

Goodbye, my first and last love.

Best regards,
Elizabeth Choi

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