Chapter 1 First Contact (GATE)

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Boom kabaam kabaam

The sound of gunfire and explode can be heard as the AI and the Imperial army fighting each other "Why, why everything from other world is always stronger than us...." said the hopeless knight before getting explode.........

A few month earlier

Finally after a few battle and lose the Sharded is finally conquer all the enemy and even learn all the enemy tecnology
So they can improve their own power.

At erekir

'I thing is time to test it' the AI of sharded thinking to own self as it building a thing that look like a portal. The AI accidently learning this blueprint when they fighting their own enemy, it look like that the enemy trying to run away from the Sharded since they realize that running to other planets it useless since the Sharded keep following them 'The portals mechanism is a little bit uncomplete, look like they dont have time to complete the blueprint' as the AI though maybe it will take them a long time to complete this blueprint,until they realize that they have a thing that maybe can make the portals work maybe 'if i use the teleport device to the portals device it will works since they has the same way of working'.

After a few failed attempt where they teleporting to a wrong place is finally done, 'it has finally done now i can go to the new world so i can increase our sector' the AI though is good time to rushing to the portals but before that the AI thing is a good idea to make a small army, since they dont know what the danger lurking between the portals
'50 dagger unit, and 10 fortress is enough to kill some small army' with that the AI launching their own army to the portals and hope they can make it.


The army comeback after severals days with a few part destroyed and Several lose unit '45 dagger and 9 fortress unit is back from the portals look like the unknown enemy is that powerful'
Little did the AI know their own army is already killing thousand of enemy

Inside the portal

1 by one of the Sharded unit is comeout from the portal, the location they had just seen was very beautiful compared to the previous planets but the army didnt show any emotion or movement because the army is only working for killing and investigation the new place.
Sector 1 captured currently the army is scanning the area they see and prepare for any attack... and realize there is no ambush the army now starting the investigation of the location Threat location is very low as the army now scanning the area they now hearing a bunch of footstep scanning...60Thousand unknown unit is detected the Sharded ai right now is looking at the unknown unit and scanning every one of them.

After the Sharded go out of the portals (JSDF POV)

Little did the Sharded known the JSDF Army is now spying at them in long distance "Sir i think a new GATE just appear at this world too" said the soldier that using the scope to see the Sharded unit "WHAT!?" Said the commander of soldier "We just give half of our own soldier to explore the World and now a new threat just appeared out of nowhere!?, call for backup!" Said the commandant as a few of their own soldier is now moving to the base
"Look like we re fighting a futuristic era now, get ready to your position soldier!" As the commander looking at the Mech? It look like they still not aware of their existence "Wait! Dont shoot!" Said one of the soldier "It look like also the Imperial army is now realize that there is new GATE appear, I think is a good idea to let them fight each other" said the soldier that using the sniper rifle "Hmm alright, we well see how strong is this new unknown Mech is"

Imperial army POV

"Tch a new GATE just appear?, we are now currently fighting a strong army and now the King want us to fight other GATE enemy?" whisper a Imperial army soldier "Look like this is another death to our arm-" The soldier sentence get cut off by the general that lead the army "Attention!, One of our soldier saw the unknown enemy! We will not lose again this time! We will show them who we are! with this i tell you all to CHARGEEE!" The Imperial army now moving fast at the Sharded army with courage until they saw the Army is MUCH bigger than their own army
As the general screaming warcry


As the Sharded looking at the army they didnt saw a fireball just explode at their own Armor The unknown unit is now targeted as enemy with that the massacre of the Imperial army now started Bang bang boom boom As the Imperial army now get shreded hundred by hundred every second it only take 2 minute to clear all the Imperial army.



Sharded pov

Detecting another enemy at 2Km as the Sharded army now shooting at the JSDF army, now another fight get started BOOM As the sharded unit now fighting with a firing enemy is now a good time to use the fortress support Flying enemy det- Said one of the Fortres before get destroyed by the helicopter misile BRRRRRRRRTTT The helicopter gatling gun is now shooting at the Dagger unit but it seems only to scratch it KABAAM KABAAM As the 2 Helicopter got destroyed..........

Same time at the different place
"Huh" Said a girls with long ear "what wrong luna?" Said a JSDF soldier
"Is nothing, i though i heard a explode" said the girl with the name Luna "Hahh maybe that just your though" Reply the soldier "maybe you re right..".


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