Chapter 4 (End of 1 Gate)

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Serpulo [Sharded POV]

'THE PORTALS TESTING IS DONE! NOW WE CAN EASILY ATTACK THE WHOLE ENEMY BASE WITH SPAM UNIT!' The AI who might happy because they now will get new land to create more industry.

But for no reason the AI now stop it Happy Emotion 'it feel like become the Cruz and Malis with this spam strategy...except how about using this strategy??' The AI now looking at his back and saw the Big Flying unit, who kill those peolpe who just came out the portals.

'Marvelous Marvelous' said the AI as now on the ways go to the Unit factory maker, As the AI now already got close to the place,shockingly they was angry because the unit take long time to make.

'Fucker why is always long to make silicon!? is it reall- oh' Well look like our AI forgot to check the Thorium Reactor where it almost blown up every conveyor.

Earth [Japan POV]

"We will solve this problem and do not panic everything will be solved in time" Shout the President at the Mic.

"But is already a few month since their las-"
"Is it really true that there new Unknown Nation inside the-"
"How about those who lose their li-"

Realizing that the Jurnalist wont stop asking question the President now it on the ways go to the meeting.

"Sigh how much left for prepare?" Asking the President with tired sigh
"It almost done Mr.President with much of country help we can now get much of our army to defend the GATE".

"Mr.President, I feel ashamed to ask this but if all of those thing dont work are we sure gonna have to do that?" Asking someone in the meeting.

"We already know how strong they are and We are need use everything we haved, even use that thing" Answer the president with uncanny face.

After a few month of silence, bunch of jurnalist now stoping bombarding the President with question.

But it does mean that the GATE is diappearing. Many vehicle and army is trying to get through the GATE but for some reason, They cant go in and it felt like an invisible force hold them out.

"Nobody still coming out huh?" Said one of the Jendrals that commanding the operation.

"Yes sir, it been already a month but not a single of them came out of the portals" Answer one of the soldier.

No matter how much they are tying to get inside, the invisible force still hold high to keep them out the portals. Until suddenly a earthquake can be feelt close to the portals "Wha-What is happening!?" Before all of them can be prepare the earthquake suddenly stoped.

"Huh? Maybe that just natur-"SPLAT....
Bunch of Sharded unit came out the portals 1 by 1 every second.

"My god!!, Everyone fall back!!!" Scream the Jendrals, but nobody listen him, because everyone who close to the portals now die by bunch of blue laser.

"What the hell those thing made of!?" Scream the Tank commander before get blown up.

Helicopter and even jets now came out to support the Japan army, not only that as the America,China and even Russian army is now supporting the attack.

"Holy shit...." said one of the America artilery support from a far as they see the center of the GATE place now turning into Sea Of Fire.

"#%#×[%#W>#&##>82e cca>×&×,t HOLDING IT ANYMORE" The broken sound of radio come from the communication device, even from a far nobody is safe from this Sharded unit.

1 thousand or even 10 thousand peolpe die from the attack.

From the other side The President who looking at the scene with the UAV.

As all of them who observer the scene looking at the Sea of fire all of them now come to 1 conclusions : "Is it time to use the nuke".

As now the president press the Red button now a nuclear launcher that close to the GATE portals is getting launch at the speed of sound.

The sound of eiree siren is playing in the background,Hearing all of that all support unit and artilery unit who far ways now preparing for a shockwave of a nuclear.

"5 second until the impact in 4...3...2...1...Impact is confirmed".

Those who still alive who still inside the city can do nothing except pray to the gods that it will feel painless, and they re right.

Those who are inside thr city all of them from T1 unit to T4 unit or any vehicle nor human all of them is now die by a flashing light of nuclear, even after only a mere second a big flash light is gulping the core of the GATE then come out with big BOOOOM.

All peolpe from outside the city who is hiding from the flash or shockwave now came out from their hiding place and see a red cloud of mushroom shining the entire night with it fire before slowly turning into black dusk.

Slowy but faster everyone now happy that the thread is now gone everyone now can live peaceful and live Like Hell.

Everyone chear now is stopped as the black dusk turning into thunderous cloud,"What is that thing?" Asking Some soldier.

The thunder sound is not stopping, everyone now is silently prepare for any ground unit came out from it but instead a BIG flying ship merge out from the cloud of black dusk as the thunder following every it movement.

Earth [Sharded POV]

'Longinus, slow but strong perfect for attacking at long range' Everyone not only human even animals now can sense the Doomdays of the Earth.

Everyone on the Earth now losing when the Sharded now showing their one of the Battle ship. They all already know from the start of the wars that they all already underpower.

The Sharded did not shown any mercy as they all engulp everything they see with fire it stasting to get worse with the nuclear radiation. 'Even with Longinus is already overkill to them, les't just keep using low tier unit in the future except if there any real danger'.

'Later in the future no matter what will happen this is the start of the doomday of this creature' Speak the AI. The Longinus is taking much of attack from every side of the ship, like some bomb and misile barradge, sadly for the humanity that the Longinus take almost no damage to it armor.

That all it take japan in time will get controlled by Sharded. By weeks or Months is already taking controlled of other country until a years has passed the whole Earth is now Already getting Controlled by the Sharded.

<Earth1 > Year 2048 [Sharded POV]

'It seem a years has passed in this Planet, the ecosystem like the Serpulo is now getting destroyed as we capture every sector it has. Fortunally we dont use spore this time' Fortunally yes the dome of Earth is still blue clear, but it doesnt mean the planet is can still by habitable because almost all of the place now turning black because of explosion and fire.

On the other hand the first Gate the Sharded go in doesnt feels even better or in words Worse. They still using the Spore at that place where it almost wipe out entire ecosystem and only a very small of it has a life. And a great luck for the other Earth the Gate seems holding the Spore so they cant spread to other place of the Gate.

'War is a cruelty. There is no use trying to reform it, because the crueler is it the sooner we end it' The land They witnessing is a green one with some of gray dots in the distance, is the place they make the Mining area so they can harvest all the ore that the planet had. 'Quess that all' Say the AI as they now opening the Gate Portals and disappear along with the Portal.

(Some typo can be seen and i hope i still motivated to countinued this story)

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